Previously on BW!, two girls in London had a run in of a strange sort...


Now, in the Book World...

Celly had gotten tired. She had wandered around the country for months and had yet to run into anyone of interest. Because the thought of starving to death didn't appeal to her, she decided to create a business for herself.

She opened a bar.

It was called the "Otaku no Mori", or the "Mori" for short. It attracted a lot of business and Celly liked mixing drinks. She even had a modest staff to help her out. She made a lot of money since every "real" man in Konan Contry drank. She even open a little inn next to the Mori for those citizens to wasted to get back home. Sure it was a monopoly, but Konan had no anti-trust laws.

She had also aquired "Bob". He was a strange young man who simply followed her around and did whatever she wanted. Celly didn't care much for Bob, but he was okay. He was like a puppy... a sidekick.

But then her wanderlust hit her again and Celly decided to set off once more in search for Tamahome. Bob followed her obediently as she wandered around the Bishounen World with no real destination in mind. Eventually they wandered into a large city bustling with people.

Celly looked around in amazement.

"How the hell did I get to London?"
