It must be morning. She could feel the sunlight warming her face, hear the birds chirping...

Wait a minute...

She opened her eyes. Outside? Oh, yeah... they were headed to the Mori. She rolled onto her back...


Susanne screamed and jumped up. This huge tiger was standing right in front of her, its tail flicking back and forth, its whiskers quivering, its blue eyes...

Blue eyes?

"Roger, dammit!!!!!!"

The tiger started laughing. "I sincerely hope you don't have that reaction every morning," he said when he finally could.

Susanne smiled sweetly. "I've got a simple solution to that, of course."

"Come on, we've got a while yet to walk."

"What, you're going to stay a tiger?"


Susanne tried not to blush as she said, "Only because your shoulder isn't right next to me to hit when you say mean things!"

The tiger chuckled as he walked.

"Roger?" Susanne said a little while later. "Does it feel like we're being watched?"

"I was wondering the same thing myself. It's probably bandits. In which case, it's a good thing I'm not in human form."

"Good point. I guess a tiger is a little more threatening."

"Not like I couldn't handle them, of course."

"Not like I don't believe you, of course." They grinned at each other. "Is that the Mori up there?"

"Has to be. There's nothing else remotely near here. Which gives Celly a monopoly on this region, of course."

"I'm sure a McDonald's will spring up soon. And you'd better become human, or you're going to panic the customers again."


"Better," Susanne answered. Roger casually draped an arm over her shoulders as they walked inside.