Anaera was getting bored, just hanging around Hari-sama’s house. Everyone but Mercy had left and Mercy needed rest. She loved the garden, but she felt guilty. That poor tree! What would her mother say? At least all the dryads were gone – she’d hate to think she’d killed a friend of her mom’s. She wanted to go out.

“I’m soooo bored!” Orpheus complained from her hair.

Anaera smiled wickedly. “What? No one will let you listen to Barry Manilow or Elton John? Poor mousey!”

“Hey! I do not listen to Barry Manilow! And for further reference: I don’t have anything with rainbows or pink triangles either!”

“I think I saw a dress in my HammerSpace that definitely wasn’t my size,” Anaera commented.

Orpheus squeaked indignantly. “So what if I like to dress in drag! I make a sexier woman than you do! You always look like a skinny kid!”

“At least I have cleavage!”

“Fine! Rub it in!”

Anaera and Orpheus burst into laughter, realizing how absolutely silly they sounded. Anaera asked, “Do you want to go somewhere?”

“Well, it’s a little early for clubs and they’d never let you into a bar.”

“Like I’d want to go to a gay bar anyway! It’s not my fault that I’ll forever look like a minor. Wait a minute! I don’t think you have to be 21 in England! I mean, we’re in Europe right, not America?”

“It’s still early! I wouldn’t start drinking before the sun goes down.”

“Well, turn into human form and we’ll go shopping!”

“Can I go as a woman?”

“No! And wear jeans or something. That other outfit won’t work.”

“Fine” :::grumble, grumble::: “You have to change, too.”

Anaera looked at her armor and catsuit. “I guess you’re right.”

Orpheus changed into human from, sporting purple jeans and a tight black turtleneck. He looked at his feet. “Anae, what shoes should I wear?”

“Sheesh! You really are gay! Just wear some black oxfords. Now, what should I wear?”

“Clothes,” Orpheus mumbled as he fished through the closet in Anaera’s HammerSpace. He began throwing Anaera’s clothes all over the place in his quest for his shoes.

“Hey, rodent! Those’re my cl--- Oh! I had forgotten about this dress. Well, I found what I’m gonna wear!” Anaera strolled over to the nearest bathroom, with Orpheus’ sock-clad feet sticking out of her HammerSpace. She changed into a long, knit, comfortable purple dress. Orpheus came out of HammerSpace with his black shoes and a pair of purple sandals for her.

“Ah! We’re fit for company now!” Orpheus exclaimed. “Well, almost.” He looked at the Helmet sitting on the bathroom counter, picked it up, and adjusted something. The Helmet of Darkness turned into a cute little black hat with lavendar flowers embroidered on it. “Now your outfit’s complete! By the way, I set the Helmet to ‘Aura-dampening,’ so, we should have fewer problems.”

“Arigato! Shall we go?”

“Let’s fly!”

The two walked over to the garden gate. Anaera called out, “Ja ne, minna! We’re going shopping or something!” She turned to Orpheus, and asked him, “Do we have British money?”

“Don’t worry about it,” was Orpheus’ not-so-comforting answer as they sauntered off.