Mercy had returned to her room and was staring out the window. Orion was being overprotective again. He couldn't even leave her alone for a few mintues. Now she knew how Susanne felt. She knew how to take care of herself since she had been well trained as a Jedi. She had a black belt in karate and a lightsaber.

"What I wouldn't give for a good song to come on the radio right about now." Suddenly "Under Pressure" by Queen started to play.

"This song describes my feeling right about now." she exclaimed. She was under pressure from Celly and Nyx, and it didn't help that Orion was falling in love with her either. It was seriously clouding his judgment on things.

Then she heard a knock on her door and Orion appeared. The smile that was on Mercy's face suddenly disappeared.

"What the hell do you want?" she asked "I told you I wanted to be alone becuase I had some training to do."

"I know you said that but I couldn't help but check up on you. I am your Guardian, remember."

"Oh, I remember all right, the Guardian who almost let me die at the hands of Celly. I forgave you but I'm never going to let you live it down."

Orion closed the door and walked towards the window. He started to pull her towards him when *whack*, Mercy's hand landed across his cheek.

"Don't even start with me, Orion. Don't even think about falling for me cuz you *know* what the Council will do to if you do."

"I don't give a flying flip of a rat's ass, especially when you and your safety are involved."

*Whack*, Mercy slapped him again.

"All I want you to do is watch over and if I get into trouble help me out if, that's it! Nothing more! So stop falling for me!!!" she was now screaming.

Suddenly Mercy opened the space portal and jumped though it. It quickly closed behind her so Orion couldn't jump though after her.

"Shimatta, Mercy you are going to get yourself into trouble! Then you are going to blame me for not being there when you get hurt!" Orion opened another space portal and hoped that when he came out on the other end he would find Mercy.


Mercy had already tumbled out of the space portal. She had a huge smile on her face. She knew what she had just done had pissed Orion to no end. She looked up and the smile quickly disappeared. She saw a ship and she instantly knew who it belonged to.

"Baka!" she screamed and took of running down the road.