
Celly's eyes snapped open as a familiar feeling swept through her. All the dreams that plauged her mind vanished as a familiar Buzz traveled through her senses. Celly's eyes cast around the room and she saw Dionysus standing at a window looking out. "So you felt it, did you?"

"Hai," Celly answered. "An Otaku is near. Familiar... and another..." Celly struggled as she tried to prop herself up to get out of the bed. Wounded or not, fighting or not, she had to face the threat.

"It's Susanne and Roger." Dionysus turned away from the window and walked toward the bed. He helped Celly up, but held on to her before she could take a step. "Are you sure you want to do this, Ce-ko? You're not ready for a battle right now."

"Nor do I want to fight, Dion. But I cannot turn my back when another willingly advances upon me. I have to face her." Celly pushed out of Dionysus' arm and towards the painted screen in the corner. "Believe me, Dion, I do *not* want to fight her, or anybody, right now. I'll talk. Besides, you'll be there to protect me." Celly stepped away from the screen and was now wearing a dark blue kimono, she tied the sash and looked up. "Happy?"

Dionysus frowned but nodded. "As long as you don't push yourself. Just talking."

"Do you know where Nyx and Remy are?"

"No idea. I haven't seen them since--" Dionysus made a gesture towards Celly's wrists. "Maybe they took off. They both looked unsettled."

Celly nodded, not willing to discuss further. "I just hope they're okay... I can't really sense them very well." Together she and Dionysus made their way down the stairs to the Mori proper.


Roger fiddled with his drink while Susanne strummed on her guitar idily.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Susanne? We're on her turf now--"

"I'm sure! I want... I want to see if Dionysus was telling the truth--"

"Guardians don't lie about that sort of thing."

"Besides," Susanne continued, ignoring Roger's interruption. "With her... wounded... she won't be as likely to put up a fight."

"Hmmm," Roger grunted, stirring his drink somemore. Susanne frowned slightly as she watched him. Everything was so difficult! He really didn't feel that way about her, did he? The Council would-- and anyway, she didn't-- did she? Susanne flushed as she realized she was staring at Roger and she hastily jerked her head down to the guitar in her hands. Luckily, the Guardian hadn't noticed.

A familiar Buzz swept through her and Susanne raised her head to look at the stairs. She tensed... with Celly anything was possible. Roger looked to the stairs as well, and stood up. What appeared before their eyes disheartened both of them to some degree.

Celly came down the stairway slowly, leaning on Dionysus for support. Any more leaning and it would have been easier for the Guardian to carry his charge. Celly was pale and the fighting rage and spirit that normally filled her blue eyes was gone, replaced by a weary, tired look. But still, the Otaku had her pride, and held her head high as she sat down at Susanne and Roger's table.

She winced as she raised her hands to the table top and rested them there. Of course, this gave Hotohori no Otaku and her Guardian a clear view of her heavily bandaged wrists, but it didn't matter. Their shocked looks and unabashed stares were what mattered. I don't need their pity, Celly thought furiously. They don't understand! They never will!

"Why are you here?" Celly managed to ask in an even tone. Susanne and Roger both whipped their heads up and away from her hands.

"I-- well, we-- we came to--" Susanne stuttered.

"I did not ask for your pity, nor do I want it. As you can see, I am not fighting you now, nor do I want to. However, if you challenge me, I must face you in honor."

"No! I don't want to fight you. I mean, you're... hurt and all..."

"My being hurt does not matter. If you challenge me, I will respond. In fact, most others would have taken advantage of my weakness to strike me down."

"I would never--"

"Wouldn't you? After this Game has progressed for longer than you can remember? When fighting is all that prevails your thoughts and dreams? Wouldn't you?"

"Would you let me finish my sentence!" Susanne burst out. "I didn't come here to fight, but you keep provoking me! Do you *want* to fight or something? Is that all you do? Stop making me angry!"

"I do not hold your emotions, Hotohori no Otaku. You control your actions by yourself. Just because I provoke you, doesn't mean you have to fight me. You could walk away."

"But if you attack me, if you challenge me, I have to--"

"Then you understand honor. And you understand why I am talking with you now. So, let's talk about more pleasant things... Do you like anime? " Celly nodded to a servant, who quickly served tea to the four people at the table.

Susanne just stared at Celly blankly. That was it? No fighting? Just a chat? I just can't figure her out! Susanne thought to herself. She picked up the tea in front of her and took a sip. This isn't so bad... when Celly isn't trying to kill you. She's pretty normal.

Soon all four people at the table were engrossed in a discussion between bishoujo in sailor fuku and bishounen in mecha.
