There was a brief silence in which everyone stared at Celly and each other.

Then they all spoke at once.

"Please, please!" Celly said. "This is why I asked you to raise your hands!"

"Well, she started it!" Mercy and Nyx both said, pointing at each other.

The strange man cleared his throat. "If I may," he said.

Celly narrowed her eyes at him. "Introduce yourself."

"My name is Luke Skywalker. I--"

"Luke Skywalker?" Susanne said. "MASTER Luke Skywalker?"

He nodded.

"Oh, wow, this is so cool! I've seen-- um, sorry. Go ahead, Celly."

"Thank you." She turned back to Luke. "Alright, fine. You must have seen it all, anyway. Proceed."

"I was going to come into this bar when Mercy stopped me. Her Guardian, Orion, came. We were talking out here when the other girl came out. That's what I saw. I was sort of hoping to find out what's going on here, though."

Celly turned to Nyx and Milton. "Nyx, did this girl provoke you? Nyx? Anou..."

"Nani?" Nyx said, turning away from Milton.

"What did Mercy do?"

Nyx thought silently for a moment.

When she had said nothing, Celly sighed. "Very well. Let's go sit down. It seems a little silly to just stand around out here. And when we get in there, no fighting. None. Understood?"

Guardians Otaku, and Jedi nodded and followed her into the Mori.