Celly led everyone upstairs into her conference room adjoining her offices. Susanne blanched as she remembered what had happened the last time she had entered this particular room. But, Celly was okay now. She was in control of herself. Everyone seated themselves at the long conference table.

"Okay... let me get this straight..." Celly started. "Nyx was trapped in a ring of fire, then it disappeared, then she went after Mercy."

Nods all around.

"Master Skywalker came from where ever the heck he came from because he was looking for Mercy. Mercy was trying to keep him from going in the Mori after she tried to ditch Orion."

Nods all around.

"Susanne and Roger came to see if I was okay and have a chat with me, Milton came to stop Nyx from killing someone, Remy is my new ally. Correct?"

Nods all around.

"Waitaminute..." Susanne started, staring at Remy and P-kun. "You're her new ally? What the hell? Why'd you join her side?"

Remy flushed. "Well, I... it's because..." Jeeze, how am I supposed to explain that I trusted Dionysus' feelings?

"Hey!" Celly interrupted. "She has a right to be on whichever side she wants. Besides, we're all going to have to fight each other anyway. This is merely convienience."

"Convienient, like you beating me to bloody pulp?!?" Mercy shot back. Orion tried to restrain her from jumping out of her chair.

Nyx just sat in her chair frowning, trying to ignore Milton and Seth, sitting on either side of her, as they bickered back and forth.

Master Skywalker slowly began to rub his temples. The presence of this group of people was strong in the Force, but it was different. It was starting to give him a headache. He contented himself in staying out of these affairs, which didn't really involve him anyway.The whole table began arguing at once.

Celly stood up from her seat, catching everyone's attention. Her eys were filled with tears as she looked at Mercy. The blonde's words had struck her to the core. "Gomen... gomen nasai... I didn't mean to... I mean, I didn't even want to..."

Dionysus stood up and began to make his way to her. He knew what was happening. "Ce-ko," he said soothingly. "Ce-ko, calm down. No one blames you for what happened... right?" he said sternly to the group of people, pleading with his eyes for them to agree.

Everyone at the table was confused, but complied."Uh, sure..."


"We don't..."

"What the hell is going on?" Remy whispered to P-kun.

Susanne watched entranced as well. Celly was shivering at the head of the table, her eyes wide, as if she was scared of something. Hey... Susanne wondered to herself. When did Celly's shiner disappear? I swear it was there when we were having tea...

Nyx looked at Celly quizzically as well. When did the cut across Celly's forehead heal over? she wondered.

Suddenly, just as Dionysus was about to reach out for her, Celly moaned and collapsed back into her seat. She pitched forward and lay panting on the tabletop. This startled everyone, especially since Celly's hands had hit the table and blood began to flow from underneath the bandages.

"Celly?!?" everyone yelled in shock.

"Ce-ko!" Dionysus yelled, and ran forward. As he was about to lift her up, Celly stopped shuddering and sat slowly back up. "Ce-ko? Daijobou?"

"Daijobou," she responded steadily. "Gomen. I felt a little dizzy. Something must have happened in Bishounen World..."

Everyone agreed and sat back down. Mercy whispered to Orion, "But I didn't feel anything..."

Celly leaned back in her chair and stared at her wrists, which were bleeding again. The silence in the room was eerie.

"Anou..." Remy said. "Do you want me to bandage those for you again?"

Celly shook her head. "Iie, I'm fine." She proceeded to unwrap the bandages covering her wrists. "Ce-ko, what are you doing?"

"I told you, I'm fine," Celly repeated, tossing the bloody bandages on the table. She held up her hands to show everyone. Her wrists were whole again, not even a scar marring the flawless skin.

"How...?" Susanne started.

Celly's eyes glinted and she smiled. "Guess who's back..." she said in a low tone. She began to laugh like Zoisite on a bad trip and reached into HammerSpace.

The room froze in shock.

Dionysus came out of nowhere and tackled Celly. He had caught her purpose only a split-second beforehand. A precious split-second. "Run!" he yelled as he struggled to keep Celly pinned down. "Run! She's snapped again!"

"Let me go, Dionysus!" Celly screamed. "Let me go!"

The others didn't need anymore prompting and they bolted from the room.
