They all bolted out of the Mori. Celly had snapped again... it wasn't safe to be around her. When they were a safe distance away from the Mori, Mercy stopped.

"I'm surprised, you were actually doing your job for once."

"I told you, from now on I'm taking my job more seriously. Do you honestly think I would lie to you?"

"No. But I'm just glad your doing your job, I wouldn't want to have to slap you again."

"I know, I wouldn't want you to. My cheek is still a little sore from the last two I got, and I know something that would make it feel better."

"What's that?" Mercy asked.

"A little kiss would make all the pain go away," Orion said as he looked at her lovingly.

Mercy's cheeks became red with rage. Orion realized what he had said and start to back away, but it was too late.


"Baka!!" she screamed. "I can't believe you would ask something so stupid. Your judgment is becoming so clouded! I can't believe you... you... you jerk!"

Luckily, no one else was around. Mercy didn't feel like explaining why she had slapped Orion once again. There were just some times she didn'tfeel like explaining her actions to anyone, especially to everyoneelse. But slapping him was becoming a regular habit. She sometimes didn't want to but Orion always pushed buttons the wrong way.

She moved away from Orion and as she did she give Orion a look of comtempt. Orion couldn't look at Mercy anymore, he was hurting inside. He knew he was way out of line. But he couldn't leave her alone, especially since Celly had snapped again. She might just come after her.

"We should go find Susanne and the others. We need to be together if Celly should try to attack us."

"I know that... duh. Did you think I was born yesterday?"

"No, I didn't think that at all. I just wanted to make sure we were on the same wavelength. That's all."

Mercy just looked at him and opened the space portal. She jumped in first and Orion was close behind her.