"What the bloody hell is wrong with that girl?" Roger panted when they finally stopped running.

"I hope that's a rhetorical question... and I also have no idea where everyone else is, either."

Roger looked around and saw that she was right. "What, did we all run in different directions when we ran like hell out of there?"

"It would appear so..." Susanne sat down on the dirt. "Now... that happened before. Same room, too. But Celly apologized to Mercy... said she didn't even want to do that... and did you notice that her wounds were healed, like, instantly?"

"I thought it was my imagination."

"Something is definitely up with that girl. Have you ever taken psychology?"

Roger stopped pacing and looked at her incredulously.

"Right, right, minimal education, I forgot... well, I had a psych class last semester... I'd almost say that she's got multiple personality disorder, except that the appearance isn't supposed to change like that from personality to personality."

"Come again?"

"Multiple personalities... it's usually traceable back to a single incidence when the subject was young. Something very traumatic, which made them sort of... shatter. Like, one persona simply cannot handle whatever happened, so they... get help. Other selves."

"Just for now, I'll pretend to understand."

"Fine. But sometimes that's Celly, and sometimes it's not... Dionysus said that it wasn't his Ce-ko." Susanne sat silently, trying to think of some connection, something that might help... Roger sat down next to her.

"I wonder..." Susanne mumbled as she began to rummage in her HammerSpace. She pulled out her computer.

"You wonder what?"

"Well, Dionysus... he's got a crescent moon on his forehead. You told me that Sailor Saturn is real, as are they all. So it follows that the Moon Kingdom is real. And it would seem that Dionysus is from the Moon Kingdom."

"Okay, he's from the Moon Kingdom. What about it?"

"What if we could trace back, find out exactly what happened? If we could find out what happened to Celly, maybe we could help her. At the very least, we could appease my curiosity."

"And you're going to figure all that out on your laptop?" Roger said skeptically.

Susanne closed the computer. "No. But I've got an idea." She put her computer back in HammerSpace, but didn't pull her hand out. She put head in and looked around. She pulled back out. "Come on," she said, and jumped in.