"This way," Susanne said quietly. They had been wandering in HammerSpace for some time now, and her backpack was starting to feel heavy. Since she was now IN HammerSpace, she had no HammerSpace to reach into, so that proved to be a pain. She hadn't realized til now how dependent on HammerSpace she had become.

Of course, she was glad that she'd had that realization before she had left her computer and other things far behind. She was still uneasy about having left the Glaive, but she saw no way around it. There was no way to hide it, and she might need to hide in a small space or something.

"There," Roger said. Castle Anthrax loomed before them. "What if they can see us coming?"

"Then we'd better get into there and get done." Susanne opened her computer up and tapped a few keys. "Let's go in over there," she said.

They made their way to the area that the computer had designated.

"Where's the door?" Roger said.

"I... I don't know," Susanne said, looking confusedly from the wall to her computer and back again. "It should be here..." She ran her hand along the wall. Maybe there was a hidden door, a button to push, something...

Suddenly, a section of the wall seemed to melt away. It just... disappeared.

"What the..." Roger mumbled.

"Come on," Susanne said, stepping inside. "We've got work to do."

"You sure are gung ho now," he replied.

"I want this to be over," she said. "Maybe I'll finally find some answers in here."

The room they were in suddenly dimmed. They whirled around to see that the wall was once more in place behind them.

"Great," Roger muttered. For the first time in a long time, he was getting nervous. There were no alarms, no interference, no traps... they had apparently simply walked in. Through a hidden entrance. He wondered if this was a trap.

"At least no one can follow us in, and no one can see where we got in," Susanne said, rummaging blindly through her backpack. Her hand eventually closed around her penlight. Totally inadequate, but it was all they had. It would have to do.

She shone the beam around and gasped.

"Roger, this place..."

"What the hell happened in here?"

It was like an office. There were desks and workstations, filing cabinets, computers, telephones... pictures and personal effects adorned some of the desks.

Dust and cobwebs covered everything. The computer screens had been blank for years, it would seem.

Susanne made her way to the nearest filing cabinet and opened it.

"Roger," she said, reading one of the papers. "Come and look."