Nyx retreated to her room at Mori, slamming the door behind her. She pounded her fist into the wall. "Baka!" she screamed. "Doshite? Why do these things happen to me?" Her knuckles were bleeding, but she did care about that, they would heal eventually.

'Everything heals in time.' A wise man once told her. She began to question whether or nt that was true. There were some scars which would forever linger. Nyx traced her fingr along her neck. She drew her hand back and struck the wall a second time, this time, the force of her blow punctured a hole into the next room.

Nyx sank to her knees and began to sob bitterly. Emotion rushed into her, feeding the salty tears which ran down her cheeks.

Millie had followed her to her room, but choosen to linger just ouside her door. He felt the confussion, anger and fear swelling up inside her. 'Oh I want to help you. Let me help you,' he thought to himself. Noiselessly he crept inside and found her weeping. He had made a promise long before all of this began -- before their world was turned upside down. He swore to protect her, to guard her life with his own…to cherish her and to love her. But she would never know that, for it was a pact he had made in his own heart. Furthermore, as her Guardian it was not permitted by the Council.

His strode towards her. The expression on his face was firm, revealing nothing of his true feelings.

"Doshite? …doshite…doshite…"

'I want to hold you in my arms and keep you safe and tell you that everything will be alright, my Vic.' He cried inside. But instead he spoke steadily, with perfect control. "Is there anything I can do?"

Nyx looked up at him. He had been with her through times of battle and had seen every facet of her being. He had looked into her eyes and seen a warrior thirsty for the spoils of war; he had looked into her eyes and seen the absence of her soul when the power of the amulet unleashed The Nyx. But now the humanity in her eyes moved him greatly. Her vulnerability put him in awe. She was, at this moment, his beloved Victoria.

Seth wandered up the stairs with a bottle of sake in hand. He had seen what happened with Celly and wanted nothing to do with it. The rest of the Otakus had dispersed and when the dust cleared, both Nyx and Millie had gone.

'What the hell am I doin' here?' he thought. 'I'm a Prince. So far all I've gotten out of this whole thing are a couple of broken bones, bruises and a black eye.' Back in L.A. he had lapdogs taking a beating for him… what's more, he had groupies! Seth shurgged to himself and thought of the women in this world, sweet Mercy, a fuku clad Celly, a determined willful Susanne, mystical Aneara… just to name a few. 'They all want me.' He grinned and continued on his way to the second floor landing and down the corridor. He found Nyx's door ajar and peered in.

"Get out. Please. Just leave me alone. I don't want you here. Just go back to L.A. Lacia ch'io pianga…[Let me cry]" Nyx turned away from him.


"Just go back. Leave me alone."

"I'm afraid I can't do that."
