Nyx hated him standing there. Who was this baka, anyway? "You quit your job. Seth is my Guardian."

"I was on sabbatical. Technically, I am your Guardian."

"I don't care either way. The two of your decide on it."

Millie gazed up at the hole in the wall. "I don't think Celly will be very happy when she sees that."

But Nyx was ignoring him. She just wanted to let everything out and this baka wouldn't even allow her to wallow in her sorrow in peace. She clenched her fist and rose to her feet. The anger bubbled up inside her. Slowly, she twisted her body to face him.

"Uh-oh," Seth muttered under his breath. He knew that look in her eyes. "Poor Millie," he smiled wickedly. "Well, at least it isn't me."

"What right have you for coming here and interrupting me in battle? I challenged Mercy! You say you're my Guardian, well don't you know that it's against the Rules to interfere with Otaku in combat?"

Millie opened his mouth to say something, but she didn't allow him the chance to reply.

Nyx lunged at him, her fists pounding and punching his chest, arms and torso. "She was mine! Temmee, baka! I wanted to fight her! You had no right!"

Millie grabbed her wrists and held them fast. She began to break down into tears while futilely resisting his hold on her.

"You have no right in my life! I don't want you here, kuso! I don't want you here…." Together they sank to floor and his hold relaxed into an embrace. Millie wrapped his arms tightly around her, stroking her back as she poured out her soul through salty tears. She pressed her face to his chest, weeping bitterly.

He felt his own tears creeping and swelling his eyes. He could no longer hold up this facade. He wanted so much to tell her everything-to bring back his sweet Vic, for that was who she truly was, even now with all of this confusion, even when they called her another name, she was not The Nyx, and it was his job to have it remain so. He wept with her.

He took in the sweet aroma of her hair and the feel of her skin against his own, "Oh my Vic, my sweet, sweet Vic…."

"Nani?" Nyx pulled away from him a little. Why was he calling her Vic? That was her name, right? But how could he know that? "You know my name?"

His eyes softened. Millie nodded.

'Che.' Seth thought to himself. 'He's going to tell her?'

Millie placed his hands on her shoulders, holding her at arms length. "When you entered this world your memories had been repressed." He stroked her hair. "I had promised to protect you, not as the Guardian you know Seth to be... as something else. When you were brought into this world I could not follow. So I pleaded with the Council to become a Guardian. But I was too late, Seth had been appointed the position. But, being a Guardian, I have access to this world and to you."

"Won't the Council be pissed when they hear that you're here guarding me anyway?"

"I am here for another reason as well. The amulet you wear around your neck. Do you know what that is?"

Nyx shook her head.

"That unleashes The Nyx -- a being of massive, uncontrollable power. It is triggered by your fury."

"So you're here to keep me in check." She smiled.

Millie wiped the tears staining her cheeks. "You don't smile enough."

"Funny, I know you've said that to me before. So…what where we before I was sucked into this place? Best of friends? I know we weren't mortal enemies, or in our case, immortal enemies."

"I was your confidant."

"Just my confidant, eh?"

"Perhaps this will jog your memory." Milton wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to him. Leaning in to kiss her, he closed his eyes anxious to feel her lips meet his.

"NANI??!!??" Seth dropped his sake and fell through the threshold, landing on his stomach.

Millie and Nyx snapped their heads towards the direction of the racket.

"Ooops. Didn't mean to spoil the moment. Gomen ne!" Seth blushed.

Nyx and Millie looked at each other for a moment and burst into a fit of laughter.
