The training had been helpful, and Meredith knew better how to control her aura and use it to it's better advantage. She and Zeke had taken one part of Konan country, Kristsi and Kell the other. Susanne had just disappeared, and what's worse, she couldn't be sensed by either of the two girls. There had been a gathering, they knew that, but everyone dispersed rather quickly after a strong buzz. Then Susanne had just vanished.

"Where could she be?!!?" Meredith was getting frustrated, and the exasperation showed in her voice. She was talking to herself, but Zeke never could quite catch that.

"If we knew, we wouldn't be looking still, now would we?"

Meredith spun on her heels and was face to face with her Guardian. "You know what? I came to visit my best friend, but instead I got thrown into this mess of a Game that I'm still not even close to understanding. Then you show up and become my freaking shadow, completely uninvited. There are no boys in sight, I haven't been on a date in two weeks, and I haven't had a decent night's rest in twice that long! You don't *have* to come with me, and if you're going to be sarcastic and negative, I DON'T WANT YOU ALONG!!!!!!" She was shouting now, and had moved about two inches from his face. She was on her tiptoes, and the tension was very thick.

She didn't move. Neither did he. He though about offering an apology, but it would have sounded even worse, like he was mocking her frustration. Her now fierce blue eyes glared at him. Then the tension changed. It was still there, but took on a new dimension, a new character. Meredith's anger was spent now, and only her unwillingness to retreat kept her in position.

"Don't worry, we'll find her." Zeke finally broke the tension and pulled back a bit. Then, unexpectedly, Meredith metled and broke down. He barely caught her as she sank to the ground sobbing. "Why did they have to give me such an explosive first charge?" he asked himself. "I have no clue how to help her now." She reminded him of his sisters. He pulled her in and let her cry on his shoulder. "I am your Guardian, this is true. There's nothing either of us can do about that. But we don't have to work against each other. Let me be your friend."

Meredith's sobbing had subsided, and now she looked up at him. He had always reminded her of someone, and now she realized who. "Oniichan?" she murmured. No, there were distinct differences, but she decided it would be easier to have a big brother than a "Guardian". She pulled back and extended her hand.

"Friends," she said as they helped each other to their feet. "Sorry I yelled at you like that. I'm just so frustra-"

"Shhh. I understand. Let's find Sus."