The space portal opened. Mercy and Orion came flying out.

"There are sometimes I hate traveling though the space portal, you never know jow your going to come out on the other side."

Orion nodded in agreement.

"Where are we are?" Mercy asked.

"Some where in Konan, but I don't think we are any closer to finding Susanne and others. We also seems to be rather far from the Mori," Orion replied.

"Good, I'm don't want to have run into Nyx or Celly. I don't want to beaten into a bloody pulp again."

She looked at Orion as she spoke and he just rolled his eyes.

"Well you could get some extra training done. It may help you better prepare for when you do meet them again."

Mercy just rolled her eyes and said "Do I have to? I really don't feel up to it right now." Mercy didn't want to tell him that she was thinking about Jedi training, not karate training. He just doesn't understand about me being a Jedi.

"Well, it wouldn't hurt." Orion stated.

"Well, I will give the man credit, he is right on one thing... training, but you know what training you *really* need, Mercy."

Orion jumped at the sound of the stranger's voice and went into a protective stance. Mercy spun around and came face to face with Master Luke.

"Master Luuukkkkeee...." Mercy mumbled." Why didn't I feel you presence? As a Jedi, I should have felt your presence."

"Probably because you were thinking of other things and you didn't have a clear mind." Luke repiled.

"Yes, you're probably right."

"Mercy, I have something to discuss with you."

Mercy realized she knew what he was going to ask her about -- fighting -- and she knew that when he heard her answer he wasn't going to be happy.

"Have you been fighting?, you know that isn't the way of the Jedi."

"Yes, I'm sorry to say that I have, but it was in self defense."

"Still, you shouldn't have been fighting, self defense or not."

Orion interjected, "If she hadn't fought Celly, she would be dead now. She has bruises and cracked ribs."

"No, Orion, she shouldn't have been fighting. It isn't the way of the Jedi."

"Orion, three words... slap, cheek, and pain." Mercy retorted.

Then Mercy realized what she had said and put her hand to her mouth. She hadn't meant to bring that up in front of Master Luke because she didn't want to have to explain herself, but it was too late.

"Mercy, I'm very disappointed. You slapped your Guardian? How could you? That is very unbecoming of a Jedi," Luke responded.

Mercy was hurt. She never want to disappoint Master Luke but sometimes being a Jedi was so hard, especially with Nyx always wanting to fight her, Celly beating her up, and Orion falling in love with her. What was she supposed to do?

"I shouldn't have slapped him, but at the time I felt he had it coming."


"He broke one of the Council's rules. And he doesn't care about that, but I do... he should be upholding the rules and I should be upholding the ways of the Force. I'm sorry, Master Luke."

Great, Orion was thinking, now this Master Luke character is going to ask her which rule I broke. Argh!!! Mercy and her big mouth. Why did she have to bring this up?

He folded his arms across his arms and gave Mercy an evil look.

"Which rule did he break, Mercy?"

"He broke the Council's rule about falling love with one's charge. It's not supposed to happen. He should look at what happened to Dion as an example and not go down that road."

Shimmtta!!! I can't believe she told him! Orion was becoming more and more anrgy with this Master Luke.

Luke had finished listening to what Mercy had said and nodded his head.

"No, he shouldn't have broken the rule, but you will have to let the Council deal with him. You have no right to pass judgment on him yourself."

"Yes, I know Master Luke."

"Good, now I have decided that you need some more Jedi training. Come, let's get out of the sun and have a lesson."

"She's not going anywhere with you. Not if I have anything to say about it," Orion exclaimed. His cheeks were flushed with anger and his teeth were clenched. He also gotten his sword out of Mercy's Hammerspace and pointed it directly at Luke.

"I'm not fighting you, Orion, it is not the way of the Jedi. Mercy needs some more Jedi traning. You must understand this."

"She is not leaving my side, I'm not risking her getting hurt again!" Orion screamed at the Jedi Master.

Luke just stood there. Mercy decided that the moment had come, she didn't want to have to use it but in this situation she had no choice. Master Luke was just standing there. She began to focus on the sword and within a matter of moments the sword came flying out of Orion's hands and landed at her feet.

"Stop it Orion, I trust Master Luke. He is the one who trained me. I'm going with him and that's that."

Orion was still in shock from having his sword pulling out of his hands. How did Mercy do that? Could her Master Luke have done the same?

Master Luke gave her a nod of approval. She had used the Force to avoid conflict. She had passed the test.

Master Luke and Mercy began to walk toward the shade under the trees and Orion followed grudgingly.