"Wow." Susanne blinked in the bright sun. "It's nice to out of HammerSpace."

"I know I've got a pair of Ray-bans here somewhere..." Roger muttered, searching his pockets.

"Did you leave them in HammerSpace?"

"Very funny. Here they are."

"You have too much money."

"Not like a prince..."

"How much of that did you understand?"

"Little to none. If that girl was telling the truth, then there's a piece of history that was totally left out."

"It seems... weird. And if you hadn't opened your big mouth, I might have gotten some more out of her!"

"So sue me."

"Not like you're short on cash," Susanne mumbled. "I guess we should be on our way, then."

Roger looked around. "Yeah... Isn't it funny that every time we land in Konan, it's in some god-forsaken area?"

"Makes more sense than landing in some populated area. Imagine what the locals would think if someone just suddenly appeared in their midst."

"Good point. So, ye most high Otaku, where to next?"

Susanne looked around and thought. "I guess we regroup. God only knows what the others have been doing all this time."

"Sounds like a plan."


The two of them whirled around at the sound of the voice. They saw no one, though.

Susanne spoke first. "Is anyone there?"


They looked down to see a Siamese cat sitting before them.

"What the..." Susanne mumbled.

Roger blanched.

"Your Guardian seems to know what this is about."

"You're mistaken," he said quickly. "What do you want? We're in a hurry."

"You're not going with her, Roger."

"What do you mean?" Susanne said, stepping in between the two.

The cat looked at her briefly, then turned back to Roger. "I was sent as a temporary replacement," he said.

Susanne and Roger were silent.

"No," Susanne finally said. When the cat made no reply, she continued. "Roger is my Guardian. And that's the final word on the matter."

"Unfortunately, it's not. My name is Christopher. I shall act as your Guardian for the rest of the Game, and then this whole mess can be sorted out."

Susanne looked from him to Roger. Whoever this Christopher was, he seemed to rank high enough to tell Roger what to do.

Roger took his eyes off the ground to try to meet Susanne's eyes, and in the brief second that he managed to hold her gaze, she could see how sick at heart he was.

"Look, kitty, thanks for your help, but we don't need you. You can go back to the Shelter. Maybe you'll get an Otaku eventually," Susanne said.

The cat was not happy. "Young lady, I do not appreciate your condescending attitude. From this moment on, you will respect me as your Guardian. Is this understood?"

Susanne raised an eyebrow. Under normal circumstances, she could have taken him seriously. No, correction. She took him seriously enough, but she hoped that if he grew frustrated with her right away, he'd leave. She looked over to Roger, expecting to see a similar look on his face. What she saw instead chilled her.

"Roger..." she whispered. "He's joking, Roger. It must be April Fool's here. Come on, let's go."

Roger didn't move. I've been caught, he thought. Dionysus knew. Had Dionysus... no, they had their disagreements, but he'd never rat on a fellow Guardian. It just wasn't his way.

"No, Roger... please..."

Roger finally met her eyes. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I'm so sorry."

"Roger..." Susanne said quietly as he turned and began walking away.

He stopped mid-stride. I should say something. I should... Later. I won't disappear that easily. He continued on his way.

Susanne stood where she was, and watched him leave.