
Celly stirred as she came slowly back to consciousness. Something was wrong! All around her was darkness, she could not make out one inch of her surroundings. "Kami-sama!" Celly cried out. "I can't see! I'm blind!"

Then Celly opened her eyes.

"Whew," she muttered to herself. "Thought I was in trouble for a moment there." Celly sat up in bed and noticed that she was in her quarters in Castle Anthrax. "What the heck am I doing here? The last thing I remember was sitting down to talk to all the Otaku when they tried to start a fight outside the Mori." Celly shook her head. I always lose track of where I am, she thought mournfully to herself. When will I even be left alone? When will I ever get my memories back? When will it all stop?

"WHEN?!?" she screamed at the top of her lungs to the empty room. Celly shook her head again and stood up. She passed a hand across her clothes, her dark blue kimono shifting instantly into her fuku. "Well, since I'm back at Castle Anthrax, I might as well take charge again. I hope Bob was able to keep things under control here."

Celly stepped out of her quarters and made her way through the twisting corridors of Castle Anthrax to Special Ops.
