Celly immediately went to leader-mode as the alarms in Castle Anthrax went off.

"Situation report!" she ordered, quickly striding to her accustomed position in the center of Castle Anthrax. She stood before her chair and contemplated the flying toasters as the Unnamed Otaku all scurried around her.

Bob looked up from his station. "We've got intruders in Section 87-Z! SERA confirms... it's Otaku!"

"Red Alert!" Celly barked out. The klaxons immediately stopped but the red lights continued to flash.

"Give us visual, Bob," Dionysus ordered. Bob nodded, not arguing. There was no room for petty arguments when they were concievably under attack. The view of Sector 87-Z appeared on the screen.

"What the hell?" Celly said. "Who is she? Otaku?"

"Hai, Mistress Celeste," Bob answered. "She's a new one to the game. Status Unknown. She's a newbie."

"I've seen her before," Dionysus added. "She was in the company of Hotohori no Otaku, Susanne's group."

Celly smiled. "A newbie, huh?" she said slyly. "Ureshi!!! I haven't had a good workout in ages! She'll do." Celly walked towards the doors, but stopped and turned around. "Keep everything under control here, boys. Standard Operational Procedures apply if I don't come back from this one. Chain of Command is operative and not changed. Don't argue too much, okay?" she laughed and winked at Dionysus and Bob.

She left Castle Anthrax in search of the newbie. She smiled.

What fun!
