Meredith was in the living room aimlessly flipping through magazines. She was still worked up over her encounter with Mercy and was trying to cool herself off a bit. She looked up quickly when a portal opened up in the middle of the room and deposited a very black and blue Kristsi in a heap on the floor. Kell came tumbling out only a moment later. Meredith gasped at the sight of Kristsi. Ugly bruises covered her nearly head to toe. Kristsi tried to pick herself off the floor, but gasped in pain and crumpled back to her knees. Kell was already on his feet and chuckling to himself. He seemed to be very amused by the scene in front of him. Kristsi gave him a look that would've turned his blood cold if he had caught it, but he was too busy laughing to himself.

"Holy crap! What happened to you?" Meredith exclaimed.

"I had a nice little meeting with Celly," Kristsi said, biting back the pain as she slowly got to her feet.

"Celly?" Meredith's eyes grew wide. "You had to fight Celly when you haven't had any training?"

Kristsi smiled weakly. "Yeah, well, I've decided that I'll run 5 million miles if I have to, to be trained properly! I had no way of fighting back! What kind of animal is she? She knew I couldn't defend myself! Where's the honor in beating up someone who can't defend themselves? You guys were right...she is a looney!!! But there's no way she's going to get away with this! I'll give her a beating she'll never forget--after I get trained and get rid of these bruises!" She started limping over to the stairs and passed by Kell. "I'll deal with you later," she said in a menacing tone. "Right now, I'm going to sleep. If I were you, I'd be far, far away when I wake up!" Kell just grinned and did his best not to laugh out loud as he watched Kristsi painfully make her way up the stairs.