She had started walking back to Friar Park, but she was having second thoughts. As much as she wanted to return to the serenity of the grounds and the friendship with the proprieter, not to mention her best friend, she realized that she didn't want to answer their questions. She didn't want to have to explain her new Guardian. And she didn't want to have to explain WHY she had a new Guardian.

So she'd stay in Konan awhile. It was advantageous to know the area, it seemed. So she'd get to know it. She'd been in the Imperial City. Maybe she should explore some of the surrounding area.

"Do you mind if I ask where you're headed?" the ever-present Siamese asked after a few hours of walking.

After he had asked three more times, Susanne replied, "I'm wandering."

"WHAT?!? You're just walking around, with no idea where you're going?"

"More or less. The advantage is in mapping out where I've been. I'm learning the area. And I'm sick of the sound of yoru voice."

"Come on, let's do some training."

"Screw you." Susanne continued walking.

"Stop this instant!"

Susanne ignored him.

"Do you KNOW who I AM??"

Susanne stopped and turned around. A smile grew on her face. "Bubba," she said.


"You're Bubba."

"My name is Christopher."

"I could call you Dick."

"You may call me -- DON'T TURN YOUR BACK ON ME!!!"

Susanne had turned around and was once again walking. She could see what looked like a line of trees in the distance, and frankly, she was tired of walking around with nothing but rocks to look at. Where there were trees, there was very likely a lake, or a river. It would be a nice change.

"There's your answer, Bubba," she said. "I'm heading for the forest. Now go chase a mouse."

For once, the cat was silent.