Kristsi had been sleeping quite soundly for a long time when she suddenly felt a another person in the room with her. She sleepily opened her eyes, rubbing them so she could focus on the figure leaning over her bed. It was Kell.

"Wake up sleepy head!" he mocked.

Kristsi could tell he was enjoying the fact that he got to wake her up from her very refreshing rest. She moaned and rolled over, pulling the pillow over her head. "Go away Kell! I don't feel like dealing with you right now."

"Oh! I'm hurt! My own charge isn't happy to see me!" Kell said, pretending to be ofended. "C'mon, you've slept all day yesterday. We have to get you trained so that Celly doesn't kick your butt anymore."

"What is it to you?" Kristsi mummbled through the pillow. "You enjoyed watching me be humiliated. Why don't you just let me sleep, forget the training, and laugh when she kicks my butt again?"

"Hey, I do have my image to protect here. I wouldn't be able to show my face in the company of all the other Guardians if they knew I was in charge of the wimpy Otaku. Now get in that shower and get ready for the day."

Kristsi made no sign that she was going to get up. Kell sighed to himself and then pulled the blakets off her. "If you're not up in five seconds, I'm going to personally undress you and shove you in the shower...and it'll be a cold one too!!! Five...four...three...two..."

"Okay, okay!!! I'm up!" Kristsi said. "Are you happy now?" she grumbled as she made her way to the bathroom and shut the door. She turned the shower on as hot as it would go and stepped under the spray, enjoying the way the hot water felt on her sore muscles. Celly's going to pay for this someday, she thought to herself, examining the bruises on her arms and legs. She stayed in the shower for about twenty minutes and then reluctantly got out, putting on her bathrobe as she walked back into the bedroom. She screamed when she loked up and saw that Kell was still there sitting on the bed.

"What are you still doing here?!?!?!" she yelled shrilly. "What are you, some sort of peeping Tom?!?!?!"

"I wanted to make sure you were really up. And you took long enough in the shower. I was just about to come in and drag you out myself." Kell smiled maliciously as Kristsi stood there fuming and dripping with water.

"You listen to me, and you listen to me good," Kristsi said in a low menacing voice. "You may be my Guardian, and you may have to follow me everywhere I go, but if you EVER do that again, I swear I'll rip your spleen out through your nose!!!"

"Ouch! Don't be so hard on me Enelra...I'm just a guy, after all."

"Don't call me that!!!"

"Oh shut up! It's your name, so get used to it. Now get dressed. We're wasting valuable training time."

"Well..." Kristsi said, impatiently tapping her foot.

"Well what?" Kell asked.

"Take your pathetic rear and remove it from this room! I can't get dressed with you in here!"

"Aw man! You mean I can't stay and watch?" Kell asked, his eyes dancing mischeviously. "Oh well, I guess I've seen it all already anyway!" He closed the bedroom door just in time to miss the shoe that was aimed for his head.