Nyx stood at the edge of the clearing. Morning had broken. The sun sent bright rays of its light out into the deep ocean. She breathed the freshness of the morning grass. She had gotten up early. Yes, she had actually slept peacefully through the night. Perhaps it was because Millie sat in a chair beside her bed all through the night. He had insisted to keep watch, "Just in case..." he had said.

'Why is he so wonderful?' she thought. 'He wants to keep our past in the past, I believe that's the right thing to do. Nothing must distract me from the Game.'

Milton watched her from afar. They were connected in so many ways. He knew her thoughts, he felt her pain, he shared her dreams and her passions. Only if she knew. His hand instinctively touched the ring pendant laying on his chest and grasped it tightly. 'Perhaps sometime from now, in another world we will have our future.'

"Perhaps..." he sighed.