Omnipotent Author's Note: Wax... it's a theme. It doesn't really mean anything, so don't try to figure it out. There is no secret message to decode. If you read my posts backwards you will not find hidden satanic messages, the recipe for a ripping lentil soup, or the words: "Paul is dead." Arigato.

PS... this is supposed to occur *before* the Guardian's Council meeting. i.e. this is where they get the picture from.

PPS... WaFFy (Warm and Fuzzy Feelings) alert for this post! We've got smoochies at three 'o clock!

Dionysus made his way through the forested area outside of the Konan capital. He had safely stored his sniper rifle back in HammerSpace. I hope Ce-ko doesn't find it, he told himself. She always hated the fact that I was an assassin. She doesn't even know what I did to those Guardians that were assigned to her! Dionysus frowned as he contemplated that. I've lied to you so many times, Ce-ko. I've kept so many things from you, but you love me anyway. Why do I keep doing it?

"Hey sailor, going my way?"

Dionysus' head snapped up and he saw his Ce-ko. She was leaning casually against a tree, smiling happily at him. For that smile I would do anything... He bowed and grinned mischeiviously. "Well, I don't know if I'm going your way or not, my lady. Didn't your parents tell you never to talk to strangers?"

He took his Ce-ko in his arms. Ce-ko laughed and wiggled her way out of his embrace. "Oh! That's right. I shouldn't talk to strangers, even handsome ones like you. Especially handsome ones like you. Haven't you ever heard of the phrase 'Handsome as sin'?"

"Who do you think started it?" Dionysus said smugly, crossing his arms and striking a confident pose.

"Oh and I thought all this time you were the meek and bashful type!" Celly ran at him and tried to tackle him, but pretty much bounced off his chest. She stepped back and shook her head. Celly giggled and poked him in the chest. "What have you got in there? Rocks?"

"You should know. You've got them in your head--Ow! Hey! Stop that! That tickles!"

Ce-ko continued to poke him repeatedly in the chest, elliciting wicked giggling from her and laughter from him. Finally, Dion grabbed her hands in one of his and used the other arm to pull her in close.

"What do you think you're doing, sir?" she asked, breathless from laughing.

Dion smiled and lowered his head. "What do you think I'm going to do, my lady?" he whispered lovingly.

Celly watched as Dion's eyes darkened from their normal light silvery-grey to a darker tone. Her eylids fluttered closed as he kissed her. She felt Dion release her hands to hold her tighter and she unconsciously moved her arms up to link around his neck. Celly felt completely happy at the moment, all of her worries slipping out of her mind.

Celly was too engrossed in the kiss to notice the slight flash of light a slight distance away. However, Dion's Guardian instincts (as well as his killer ones), were ever focused around him. He saw the flash and could feel the very slight presence. Dangerous? Maybe. Gotta get her out of here. It might be one of the Council's sweeper teams. I have to protect her.

Dion reluctantly broke off the kiss and quietly studied Ce-ko's face. The flush on her face was very becoming and she still had her eyes closed. Finally they opened and he stared into the endless blue depths of her eyes. "We really shouldn't do this in public." He could see the dissappointment that flashed through her eyes. He reached up and traced her cheek with his hand. "Let's go to the Mori."

Celly nodded, the happiness filling her eyes again. "That's right. I almost forgot. Remy is heading to the Mori. Her aura is nice... I can't wait to meet her!"

They chatted lightheartedly and held hands as they walked to the Mori. Only Dion knew that he was steering the girl he loved from a possibly dangerous situation.
