I swear, I've never seen anyone sleep as much as she does, Meredith thought as she climbed the stairs. She had already finished her morning workout, showered, eaten, and had even managed to hit the books for a little while. And here Susanne was, wasting away the day.

She knocked on the door and thought she heard Susanne mumble something.

"Wake up, sleepyhead!" she called. "Are you going to spend all day in there?"

More mumbling. She could just imagine Susanne laying in bed, the shade down, her head buried beneath her pillow. No one else she knew could sleep for over twelve hours straight.

"I'm coming in!" Meredith said as she opened the door and walked briskly over to the window to pull the shade. "It's a beautiful day!"

"My dad at least had the courtesy to put Led Zeppelin on the stereo to wake me up," mumbled the shapeless lump of blankets.

"What, he didn't have the decency to play the Who?" tiredly mumbled another voice, also from the lump of blankets.

Meredith's eyes widened and she quickly exited the room, closing the door behind her.

She ran down the stairs to tell the Otaku that Roger was back.