She got into postion and then did a perfect spinning back cresent kick.

Then she proceeded to too do two sets of ten. The she moved onto her leopard strikes. "Excellent," she stated.

She did a series of jumping spinning back cresent kicks and some spinning reverse back fists. She moved on to the roundhouses.

She had been having trouble with these. She need to improve majorly.

While she was practing, Orion came out and began to watch her. He noticed she moved with grace and precision.

Mercy suddenly felt presence of two others in her mist. One was Orion and the other was Master Luke.

She ingored Orion's presence, but she couldn't ingore Master Luke's.

"What is it, Master Luke?" she asked.

"I'm hear to tell you that I'm going back to Yavin 4 and you are going to come with me."

"But Master Luke, I can't."

"You require more training and some retraining in some other spots."

"Damnit all to hell!"

"Watch your language, it's unbecoming of a Jedi."

Mercy was becoming very angry. All she wanted to do was train but no, she had to be rudely interrupted. And now she was being told what to do.

"I'm not going anywhere Master Luke, I'm sorry but I have a job to do."

"I understand that you do not want to learn the ways of the Force right now. I will accept you anytime you are ready to come back right."

"Thank you, Master Luke."

And with that, Master Luke walked away.

Mercy went back to working on her roundhouses, little did she know Orion had come up behind her. She went to complete a kick and then suddenly heard something smacking a tree.

She turned and saw Orion slumped against the tree.

Mercy grew pale and ran over to her Guardian.

"Orion, speak to me. I'm so sorry. I'm didn't mean to hurt you this time, I didn't know you were there."

Orion looked up at her and smiled. "It's cool, I realize I shouldn't have stepped behind you like that, it's my fault."

"No, it's not, I should have felt your presence and moved away so this wouldn't have happen, damn, i'm so sorry."

"It's ok, I forgive you."

Suddenly Orion reached up and pulled Mercy toward him, he planted a kiss on her lips. This time Mercy didn't resist. He let her go and stood up.

"I'm sorry" Orion said and then turned and walked away.

Mercy watched him walk away and wishing she could stop him but the words just wouldn't come. Tears started to roll down her cheecks. She pulled her knees up to her chest and she slumped her head down to her lap and began to cry
