Nyx had felt his presence, but had thought nothing of it. But there he was, her teacher, Methos. He was leaning against the threshold of the bathroom with his arms crossed over his chest. He wore dark jeans, boots and a lofty grey sweater and brown trench coat.

"Well aren't you going to say something?" he asked.

"If you don't mind! You've caught me off guard!" She wrapped the towel around her body with her back to him.

"Oh it's nothing I haven't seen, my dear."

"Humor me."

He shrugged and turnned away. Nyx dried herself and slipped into her robe.


"Yes. Now." she tucked her hands into the pockets of her robe which had the initial 'V' embroidered in Gothic over her heart. "But let me get dressed. Would you wait for me in the library?"

Methos poured himself a brandy and stood over the sterling silver liqour tray.

"Ahem." Nyx made her entrance. She wore camoflouge pants and a grey tank top.

Methos made his way over to her and embraced her. He kissed her lightly on the cheek. He held her at arms length and took a long look, taking her new attire. "My, you have come far from the day we met."

"It has been over a thousand years. You'd think I would." Nyx stopped herself. A furrowed expression streaked across her brow. 'What am I doing?' she asked herself. 'How do i know this man?'

She turned her back to him and burried her face in her hands. "I don't know what's going on here!"

Methos looked pitifully at her. He approached her, placing his hands on her shoulders and squeezing gently. "There, there. It's alright. That's the reason I've come."

He sat her down on the sofa and poured her a brandy. The glass shook in her hands as she began to relate her story. "I get these flashes of how my life was before all of this happened. Just before you showed, I dreamt of our meeting in the shower. Why is this happeneing? Why can't I remember?!?"

The Immortal rubbed her shaking hands with his. "It will return to you in time."

"I want to know now." The look in her eyes now was the same as the look in her eyes the day in the barn. He saw fear and anxiety there mixed in with desperation.


The door opened. Milton entered. "Am I interupting some-" Milton saw the Immortal kneeling at Nyx's feet.

Methos rose to his feet.

A sudden chill pervaded the room and there was a coldness to the men's stares.

Nyx noticed this and acted quickly. "Milton, this is-"

"I know who he is." said Milton flatly.

"I assume you've met before?"

"The pleasure is mine," retorted Methos, just as flatly.

"Someone mind telling me why you two hate each other's guts?"

Both men remained unmoving. "May i have a word with you?" spoke Milton.

"Certainly." replied the other. There was a frigid pleasantness to their tone, almost like men at the joust rushing towards each other wordlessly.

Nyx sat back down. "Okay." she folded her hands on her lap.

The two men left the room.

Milton closed the door behind them. He counted to five before speaking, choosing his words carefully. "What business have you for coming here?"

"She is my business."

"No longer." Milton estated. "By what means did you find this place?"

"I have my ways," the other retorted. "Let's just say I was drawn into it. Now, why have you not told her everything? You can't keep her in the dark groping about and feeding her minute bits like a caged animal."

"She is not caged!"

"No? She's here, is she not? This, this sanctuary you call it. It's nothing but a cage."

"She must regroup."

"Victoria must be told the truth." Methos paused. A twinkle shone in his eye. "Or are you afraid that if she remembers you won't be so pleasant in her eyes? Are you afraid that she will place the blame on you? This is all your fault."

"I only wanted what was best for her."

"So did I. And I still do."

"I am her Watcher, it is my duty to chronicle her life."

"And I am her Guardian. I have sworn to protect her."

"Don't start that with me. She made her choice."

"Yes," Milton muttered. He half smiled. "She chose herself."

Nyx had propped her ear against the door. She was hearing every word. She had to find out somehow.

"You can't be rid of me, old chap. Might as well face it."

"You lay a hand on my wife and I--"

Nyx clasped her hand to her mouth.

Methos laughed. "I should be giving you the same warning, chap. But let's not go there. She doesn't belong to either one of us, at least not in this world."

Nyx slowly backed away from the door. The word 'wife' rang over and echoed in her mind. "Wife?"
