Mercy lay on her bed sobbing. She still wasn't ready to face Orion. She was too afraid of what might happen. She looked up and stared out the window. Suddenly, she saw a cat at the window, and he jumped into the room. The next thing Mercy knew, the cat had changed into Orion.

"Why are you here?" she cried. "I told you I didn't want to see you or talk to you, you baka!!!"

"I know. But we have to talk about what happened this afternoon."

"No, we don't have to talk about it. There is nothing to talk about. It happened. I'm willing to deal with it and forget that it ever happened."

"Mercy, I don't want to forget that the kiss happened."


"Mercy, I've wanted to kiss you for some time but I always get slapped for even being remotely romantic around you, so I haven't."

"Well, well, well, you did deserve them."

"The first one, yes, but the others, no. I don't think so, sweetheart."

Mercy didn't know how to repsond to that comment, she just looked at him in disbelief.

"Mercy, hun, say something, please."

"Orion, I don't know what to say."

"You must have something to say! I just poured out all my feelings about you and you have nothing to say?" Orion said, starting to get angry.

"Sheesh, Orion, I'm sorry, what do you want?"

"I want you to tell me about your feelings for me!"

"You want me to do what!?!" Mercy screamed.

"You know, your feelings, what does your heart tell you?"

"Orion, all I know is that you're my Guardian and we should not be having this conversation!"

"I know I'm your Guardian, and we are going to contiune to have this conversation until I get some answers!" Orion screamed back.

"I really don't want to have this conversation anymore, I'm getting a headache!!"

"Screw your headache, right now, we have to get to the bottom of this."

"Hello, I don't care about getting to the bottom of this."

"Well, I do."

By this point, Mercy and Orion were frustrated and angry with each other. They were getting no where in solving the problem.

"Mercy, would you stop being a ama and just give me some answers? Now, dammit!!"

"What the hell did you just call me?" Mercy screamed back.

She walked closer to Orion and start the motion to slap Orion but this time Orion caught her hand. "Not this time, little lady." Orion smiled.

"Orion, let go of my wrist"

"Nope, I can't risk you slapping me."

He then pulled her close and planted a kiss on Mercy's lips. When he pulled away, Mercy was in a daze.

"Wow, how do I respond to that? Sheesh, you really know how to turn a girl's emotions inside out."

"I know, I've been told that a lot." Orion smiled.

Orion went to pull her in for another kiss and this time Mercy wrapped her arms around his neck. They finally pulled away and Mercy snapped.

"What am I doing? Why the hell am I kissing you? I've got to get out of here!"

Mercy opened the space portal and jumped though, but she was too fast for Orion to try and grab her to stop her. The portal closed too quickly.

Orion just stood in the middle of the room in shock. How could she lead him on like that? He decided that they need to get this all straightened out. He opened a space portal and went after her.
