The evening sun rose over the land of Konan. Tasuki no Otaku stretched out her arms and yawned. Warily she blinked open her eyes to the canvass of diamonds splayed across the opaque sky. She blinked again.

Orion was sleeping noiselessly across a dying campfire whose embers rose to the canopy above them. Watching him lying there, so serene brought a half smile to her lips. She didn't want to wake him. He looked so peaceful, so....

"Snap out of it!" she screeched in a whisper. Mercy flipped and shook herself. She opened a portal and stepped through.

Silently, the trechcoat girl shut the door to Celly's room leaving Remy with her. She was in dire need of some fresh air.

"So you're back, eh?" Seth weaved around her ankles. She had hardly noticed him.

"Oh!" she exclaimed before narrowly missing his tail with her left boot. "Seth, you little baka!" Nyx bent low and picked him up in her arms. Seth nuzzled up against her, purring softly. This brought a smile to his ward. "Now, don't get too comfortable--hentai cat." Her tone was more playful than terse. She petted his soft purple fur.

"So where's the wolfman?"

Nyx set him back down. "Oh I gave them the slip."

Seth looked awkwardly at her, his head slightly tilted to the side. "Them?"

"Methos dropped by the Island." The Immie was already making her way down the staircase, her hand gliding down the railing as she descended.

The moon cat scurried after her, pausing at the top of the landing. "Nani?!?" The door to the Mori slammed and she was gone from sight.

Ah. Nyx unfastened her trenchcoat, arched her head back and loosened her hair, letting it catch the breeze. The leaves performed their exquisite dance before falling to the earth and trampled under foot. It had been a long while since she'd taken the time to breathe. At Angel Island time was at a standstill.

Why didn't he tell me? Did he think I wouldn't understand? Men. There was certainly more to this than meets the eye. Her memories were once again hers. She clutched her chest. Milton. So loyal. All those years even when she was robbed of her memories, he had stayed with her, watching over her. He had been Embraced by the Kindred to spend the span of Immortality along side her.

But what would become of them now? How was she to act? Nyx decided that in order to play in the Game she must have the mentality of the warrior. Her life in Los Angeles was far different. College, friends, the pier, the coffee... well, that stayed the same. Methos had taught her the ways of the Immortals. She would not fight unless provoked. And even then, it was never easy for her to forcefully take the life of another. The last time she allowed Gwydion's powers to reign freely over her, she had lost control and The Nyx emerged. Four hundred years of death and devastation. How many people died because I was weak? Nyx clentched her fist. Now I bare its name and carry its scars. She had been too weak to control it and was consumed. But she did not want to shirk and hide away from the other Otaku. It would not be fair to Celly and the others.

The silver hematite necklace swung in the wind. Gwydion's Knot.

Would her humanity be strong enough? There was no other choice. There was no place for peacemakers in this world. She owed it to herself to fight.

Nyx noded firmly. Closing her eyes, she recited the incantation.