Lightning streaked across the clear night sky.

The shutters blew open. Debris flew into the chamber.

"Nani?" Remy's snapped towards the window. "I thought it was nice out." She shrugged and shut the window making the sure it was latched. "Looks like there's going to be a hurricane." She turned to Celly, who was fast asleep.

The wind had kicked up. Nyx stood in the midst of the Konan woods, her head bowed. She had finished the incantation.

"Gomen ne," she whispered.

The lighting gathered above her and in a massive blow, struck her. Her body convulsed as thousands of electric volts passed through her, feeding the beast inside. Her arms thrashed madly at her sides. She screamed and screamed.

A portal opened. A confussed Mercy stepped through. "What the hell is going on here?" She looked up and saw the lighting. "Nani?" Mercy ran headlong to the concentration of the blast.

The storm faded as quickly as it had come. The sky cleared and the clouds parted. The crescent moon was once again visible and the stars brightly shone up above.

Mercy sniffed the air. A faint smoky scent filled the air. "Someone BBQ-ing?"

Nyx stood slumped over. The energy of the lighting emitted from her being. Random electric surges of blue frizzled around her body. She sensed the Otaku. Looking up, she saw Mercy standing at the clearing. It was the blonde. A malevolent grin spread across her lips.

Mercy readied herself. No way was she getting beaten up again. Her light saber glowed. She felt something different about her opponent. Nyx's aura was glowing? No, not her aura... something else... energy. Despite herself, Mercy pointed her saber in the direction of her challenger.

Nyx whipped out matching lation phospherous guns and began to rapidly fire. Mercy dodged the bullets which hit the trees surrounding her and took them down. With guns blazing, Nyx rolled on the ground and did a double twisted front flip, landing on one knee, she fired again. Mercy discarded her light saber and concentrated on building her energy blast. She fired it directly at Nyx. The trenchcoat girl was thrown back, slamming hard against one of the trees.

"So you want to play rough, eh?" Nyx threw the guns into her Hammerspace and reached in for another weapon. A high power, super PH rifle. She flipped rapidly across the ground and wacked Mercy with the butt of the weapon. Mercy fell backwards. Nyx pointed the barrel to Tasusi No Otaku's chest.

She grinned. "Ever dance with the devil on a moonlit night?"


"I say that to all my victims right before--pow. You're dead."

The woods were lovely, dark and deep... the blast from a rifle kills the silence. Birds flee from their havens, blanketing the night with their shadowy wings.

Remy walked down the stairs to make Celly some hot tea. "Hopefully this will calm her down."

The door to the Mori burst open. An ominus silhouette framed the threshold. Nyx stepped into the light. She was carrying something. She sent her burden spinning on the floor of the Mori. An unconcious Mercy rolled across the floor to Remy's feet. Tasuki No Otaku was un-injured and fast asleep.