He could hear them talking... talking about him... they didn't understand... Ce-ko... why? Onegai, if only she'd listen... but no. He knew her better than that. It would be a while, at least, before she even consented to see him. If she ever did.

What had he gotten himself into?

"I'll be right back, brother..." Dionysus only nodded dumbly, hardly hearing. It was his fault... now what was he going to do?

The younger brother stood up and gazed unseeingly around the empty room. Everything here... it was all Ce-ko. It was her place. She wouldn't take him back... he didn't deserve her, anyway. She was a princess, after all.

He absently made his way outside. He could use some fresh air...


Susanne pulled a towel out of her HammerSpace and wiped her brow. She couldn't remember the last time she had worked this hard. Well, maybe during hell week for tennis team...

"Roger? We've been training for three hours straight. Aren't you ready for a break?"

"What, are you tired already?"

"Never!" She swung the Glaive once, and Roger deftly knocked it out of her hands and stood with the point of his blade inches from Susanne's face. "Alright, I'm tired already!" she cried, throwing up her hands.

Roger tossed his sword back into HammerSpace with a laugh. "Don't worry," he said. "Very few fights last that long, anyway!"

"Yeah, yeah," she mumbled, pulling the water bottle back out and taking a long drink. "I was going easy on you."

"I could see that. So, now what's the plan? Back to Friar Park?"

Susanne looked around thoughtfully. "No, for some reason I just don't think that's wise. Maybe I'm just afraid of getting dependent on it."

"So we look around for some place to hang for awhile?"

"Why not? It's pretty nice out. And I think the forest's that way."

"Isn't that the way to the Mori?"

"Naw, the Mori's a little more to the left there. I suppose we'll pass kinda close by it, but not too close for comfort. And besides, it's possible to go to the Mori without meeting Celly or anyone there. The only people we'll probably see are each other."