Nyx fingered the rim of the shot glass, eyeing the prism of light shattering through the crystal. Mercy and Orion were glaring at each other.

She chanced to glance over to the broken mirror across from the bar. Her eyes fell on the dark line stretching across her neck. Nyx brought her hand beneath her jawline and proceeded to caress the scar.

"Hehehehehehe...." she chuckled softly as her finger traced and retraced the line. "He... he... he... soon... very soon..." Lightning streaked in her eyes as she carefully sounded out Chichiri no Otaku's name in a raspy whisper. "A-N-E-A-R-A."

The stool on which the treanchcoat clad girl was seated flew violently backwards, crashing into the tables directly in its path.

Mercy's and Orion's heads snapped up to see what the commotion was all about.

"Nani?" Mercy asked.

Orion looked around, nothing. The bar was empty with the exception of Tasuki no Otaku, her tiger and one or two drunken hobbos. "Where did she go off to?" Nyx was nowhere to be seen.