
She was lifted from her the depths of her mind and soul. Celly drifted up... up... still farther up. Away from the comfort she had in the embrace of her Creator. Her Creator, who wanted her to live.


She pushed her way through the blackness, through the pain, but could not completely shut it out. The torture of betrayal was etched upon her soul and she could never forget.


Celly struggled to open her eyes, which felt like they were weighted down... of course... weighted down by her grief, her sadness. *He* would not be there when she awakened, Celly knew that to the depths of her soul. No one would greet her upon awakening... no one would worry about her and ask if she was okay. Because she was alone. Celly felt the urge to cry again as she wearily opened her eyes.

Unexpectedly, she felt a small hand place itself on her forehead.

Her blue eyes opened and she squinted at the sight before her. A small girl with long dark hair was sitting on the edge of her bed. She smiled as she saw Celly awaken.

"Are you okay now?" she asked gently.

Celly was speechless. Who was this? Who was this girl? "... dare...?" she managed to rasp out. Her throat felt horribly dry and parched.

The girl smiled, holding out a glass of water. Celly took it gratefully. "My name is Remy."

Realization dawned and Celly nearly choaked on her water. "Hotohori no Otaku..."

"Hai, I'm your ally. Do you remember that?"

Celly nodded and closed her eyes. This... this girl... had stayed with her? Been here for her when she had awakened? Doshite? Celly felt bad that she had attacked Remy at their first meeting. She... she would do this for me... even though we are destined to be enemies and fight each other. Even though I had mercilessly attacked her. She would do this for me.


Is she... would she be my friend then? Celly wondered to herself. Nyx... Nyx called me her friend. Are these two my friends? Did they stay with me and comfort me in my time of need? Even though they know what we are destined to do? Celly's eyes opened again and she stared at the Otaku before her, whose grey eyes calmly watched her.

"... tomodachi...?" Celly asked hesitantly.

Remy nodded. "Sure. We can be friends."

Celly sighed in relief and pushed herself to sit up. The pain of betrayal still gnawed at her, working its way through her mind and soul, and she tried to push it away, focusing on her friend instead. Is this why my Creator asked me to live? To find friends?

Celly sat up and dangled her legs over the edge of the bed. Slowly she stood up. Remy was at her side and help support her when she staggered a bit. "Are you sure you're okay?" Remy asked worriedly. "You've been out of it for a while."

Celly just smiled in return. "I'll be okay." She walked over to the window and calmly stared outside, lost in her thoughts. Is this why I've been forced to return? she wondered again. My purpose here is to fight for my Bishounen... to win the Game. But still... Celly could feel the hole in her heart where Dionysus used to be. Tears sparked in her eyes. Why? Why did you have to betray me like this, itooshii?!? Doshite?!? Couldn't you just have let me love you? Would that have been so hard? I can't believe I was so... so... stupid!!!

The rage that Celly had previously repressed came to the surface, a molten wave of anger and bitterness. If I ever see you again... if I ever... you callous man... You used me and then when you were done playing, you tossed me away! I'll never forgive you, Dionysus! Not after what you've done to me!

Celly roughly wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. She could feel the raging emotions boiling inside of her. She stalked back into her bedroom and threw open her closet doors. Remy, watching quietly from the background, was puzzled when she saw Celly pull out a long black box from the back of her closet.

"Anou... what is that?" Remy asked. She very nearly shuddered when she saw Celly's eyes. They were full of pain, sadness, anger... and a disturbing touch of madness and darkness. However, the frantic look softened when Celly looked at her friend.

"Don't worry, this isn't for you." Celly set down the box, quickly unlatching it and pulling out the pieces.

Remy could only stare in shock as Celly assembled a sniper rifle (the matching mate to Dionysus') within a minute. Celly pulled another, smaller box out of the black one. She held up one of the objects in the smaller box for Remy to see.

"Silver bullets," she giggled. "I only use the best." Celly loaded the rifle and slung it over her shoulder."Where are you going?" Remy asked.

"I'm very pissed right now," Celly replied with a smirk. "I need to let off some steam. I need a good fight, and the best place for me to find that is to find my equal." Besides, she added silently. I can't give up on my Creator. This is what She wants me to do... She wants me to live... and this is the way I live.

"You mean..."

"Yup," Celly said with a particular gleam in her eye as she handled her rifle. "Hotohori no Otaku... Susanne."

"Let me come with you!" Remy said suddenly.

"Na-nani?!?" Celly asked, shocked. She contemplated the smaller Otaku before her.

"Don't underestimate me! I... I can fight too. I'm your ally, right? Well, I want in on the action!"

Celly stared at her friend for a moment before cracking up. "I like you. You can come with me, but things may start to get a little crazy. Are you sure you can take care of yourself? You're my friend... I don't want to see you get hurt."

"I'll be okay. Besides, this is the best way for me to do my training... hands on experience."

Celly pulled open a portal and held it so that Remy could hop in first. As Celly went through herself, she called out in a derisive tone... "Oh, Susanne.... Susanne... want to come out and play...?"

