Kristsi must have fallen asleep sitting by Kell's bed, because the stirring in the bed woke her from her light sleep. She lifted her head off her arms quickly and looked at her Guardian, but was dissapointed when he fell back into his troubled sleep. It had been a day since she had lost her temper and clobbered him over the head with her training staff, and he hadn't come out of his unconscious state since.

Tears threatened to come, but she held them back, roughly telling herself that he had deserved what he got. 'If there was permanent damage, it was his own flipping fault,' she tried to convince herself. Somehow it didn't make her feel any better. She abruptly got out of her chair and went over to the bathroom sink, dousing her face in cold water. She hadn't had as much as a shower in the last couple of days. She dried her face off and scrutinized herself in the mirror, noticing the bags under her eyes and that she was in need of some makeup. Then something else caught her eye. Kell wasn't in the bed anymore!

"What the...." she mumbled, walking quickly over to the bed and pulling back the empty covers. A pair of muscular arms wrapped around her waist from behind. She gasped and wrenched herself away, standing back to see who it was.

"Thought you could get rid of me that way, huh?" Kell asked, his blue eyes dancing with amusement. "It's going to take more than a knock on my hard head to accomplish that!"

Kristsi didn't know how she felt. Her emotions roiled inside her. She knew she should be angry at him for keeping her so worried. Heck, she hated his guts---right? But the relief that he was alright overpowered her anger for once. She sat down on the bed and let the tears come.

Kell stood in the middle of the room in his pajamas looking very confused. This was definitely not the response he had expected. He walked over and sat down on the bed next to Kristsi, akwardly putting an arm around her shaking shoulders. Kristsi wrapped her arms around his neck and sobbed on his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry!" she managed to get out between her tears. "I've been such a stinker to you, and then I thought that you might never wake up..." A new onslaught of tears cut off the ending of her sentence.

By this time Kell was thoroughly confused. He patted Kristsi on the back, letting her finish crying before he had thought of something to say.

"I think we both started out on the wrong foot," he said, handing Kristsi his handkerchief so she could blow her nose. "I could've been more civil to you too. I'll be the first one to admit that I probably deserved that knock on the head," he added, chuckling quietly to himself. "Whatd'ya say we start over? Friends?" He stook his hand out to Kristsi.

Kristsi grasped his hand firmly. "Friends!" she said. "But don't expect everything to be still know how to piss me off!" she added, punching Kell on the shoulder. Kell laughed, lightly punching Kristsi back.