Dionysus stared blankly into the woods, not seeing anything of his surroundings. He didn't care. He didn't care that he was no longer in the Mori. He didn't care that he was in the company of Susanne and Roger and their allies. He didn't care about the wondering looks they gave him. Nothing mattered anymore because she had cast him aside.

Generally, Dionysus was an even-tempered man. His years of training, first as a soldier for the Moon Kingdom Defense, and later as a spy and assasin had created in him a calm and rational demeanor. He was slow to take offense and was not upset easily. Except where she was concerned. She was almost the total opposite of him. She took delight in the everyday inconsequentials, laughing at the slightest thing and taking deep offense when she was slighted. Dionysus wondered how he had ever fallen in love with the flighty and tempermental girl.

Then he remembered. All the months and even years that they had been together, first as teacher and student, later as friends, lastly as lovers. Dionysus thought the bond between them had only strengthened over the years. From the moment he had laid eyes on her, the princess whose eyes sparked in defiance, to the bodyguard Senshi whose calm nature was honed by her training. He had molded her into a cool and calm killer, and she had allowed him to, never protesting but never losing her spark of joy, either.

Oh, gods, Ce-ko... Dionysus moaned inwardly burying his face in his hands. Why did you do it? Why did you break our bond together? Dionysus slapped himself mentally for being so stupid while being in the gaming room. I should have known better! But, noooo... I had to be so smart in front of my brother! I had to exaggerate and do that stupid sarcastic thing! Doshite! Why did I do it then!?! Dionysus sobered and turned his eyes back to the darkening woods. I know why. It's because onii-sama questioned my motives. I've been beating myself up about lying to Ce-ko about my presence here... I snapped. I lost my cool. DAMMIT!

Wait a second...

Dionysus' mind shifted gears. He replayed the scene in his mind over again...

Him yelling at his brother about his actions...

Ce-ko walking in...

His stuttered attempt at apology...

her hand flying at his face...

her tears...

another slap...

her fervent words...

"... if I ever see you again, I'll kill you myself..."

her fleeing the room, while he watched in shock...

her breaking their bond...

Dionysus' mind shifted and whirled until he came to the conclusion... Wait a second here... I didn't do anything wrong! [Author's note: please insert a forehead slap here for Dionysus' inherent male stupidity] She was the one who wouldn't listen to me! I was trying to apologize when *she* slapped *me*!!! It's not like I was really admitting anything... well, I did lie to her... but I love her! How could she doubt that?!?

The testosterone-laden parts of Dionysus' mind scrambled in affront. What the hell?!? the parts screamed in fury. She doesn't believe I love her?!? The male pride scored a direct assault and was battered down a notch.

Oh gods... I can't believe I'm *crying* over this! It's her fault! She should be apologizing to me! [Author's note: please insert another forehead slap here] Another reason why Dionysus and Celly worked so well... only his temper could rival hers when he was aroused to anger (or other things, but we're not going there).

Dionysus felt really pissed off at the moment. It's not my damned fault that she misunderstood what happened! He tried to think of a way to make it up to his Ce-ko... to prove that he did love her and get past all of her unwarranted anger towards him.

I'll do it! he thought triumphantly. I'll show her just how much I love her!

He began to laugh maniacally.

Susanne, Roger, Meredith and Zeke gave him worried looks and backed away farther from him.
