Celly drops her sword, which morphs back into the BBBoD as soon as it leaves her hand. Celly closes her eyes and a single tear drips down the side of her cheek.

"Hotohori no Otaku!" Celly calls out from her position with Dionysus' sword at her throat.

Susanne comes out from where she has witnessed the fight. "What is it, Celly?" she asks.

Celly's eyes snap open and they are as black as midnight. "Catch!" she calls out gleefully. She throws out a hand and a blast of energy rips away from it. Before anyone knows what has happened, Celly ducks under Dionysus' blade, punches him in the stomach, and picks up her BBBoD, banishing it to HammerSpace.

"I'm back, you pitiful fools!" Celly crows triumphantly. "And this time my host has let me take her place of her own voilition!"

Everyone stares as Celly hovers in mid-air (much as she did when she was Moderator) and faces the group. "Do you want to know the true powers of the Otaku? What you recieve when you admit the Truth? My counterpart was to weak too use the power, but I'll show it to you now!!!"

Celly holds her hands in front of her, as if she is gripping the air. With a savage motion, she rips her hands apart.

And reality rips around them.

The forests of Konan are ripped away, revealing the battleground Celly has chosen.

"Welcome to the happiest place on Earth!" Celly laughs maniacally and draws her BBBoD again.
