"Welcome to the happiest place on Earth!"

Susanne glanced around. "Holy..."

"... shit..." Roger finished.

Can I do this? Susanne wondered. That'd be way cool... of course, it was a little unnerving to know that Celly -- or whoever that was right now -- had selected Disneyland as her battleground.

Susanne watched as Celly pulled her BBBoD out of her HammerSpace, suddenly frozen in place. Here... standing in between Pirates of the Carribean and the Rivers of America, Celly was going to try to kill them. Looking over at Meredith, Susanne could tell that her friend was thinking the same thing.

Susanne glanced over to Roger, but already knew what was going to happen. He and Zeke couldn't interfere. They had to step back now. So did Dionysus. This was a fight between Otaku.

"Damn!" Susanne cried, grabbing Meredith's hand and dragging her through the Saturday crowd. "Scuse me! Pardon me! Sorry! Coming through! Sumimasen! Look out!" Susanne cried as she ran thought clusters of kids and tourists, hopping over strollers and ducking through tour groups.

She ran up past the Big Thunder Railroad and stopped in front of the entrance to the Big Thunder Barbeque. "Did we... lose her...?" she panted.

Meredith opened her mouth to speak but was cut off when a blast of energy ripped through the fence she was standing next to.

They didn't even stop to look, they just ran. Ducking into Tinkerbell's Toy Shoppe, they looked at each other and shrugged. At least they'd be able to see Celly as soon as she came in, and there were two doors.

"What the heck happened?" Meredith asked, wide-eyed.

Susanne shook her head. "She snapped. I still don't know why she does that, but... it's not Celly. I can say that much. I've seen it happen twice before. But we can't just run forever."

"No, you're right."

"I think we should split up."


"She can only deal with one of us at a time." Susanne headed over to the far door, glanced out briefly. "Count to ten, run out whichever door you fancy. Let me know somehow if one of the other Otaku shows up, especially Nyx." With that, she was gone.

"What the crap?!?!?!?!?" Meredith almost panicked, then calmed herself, counted to ten, and ran out and turned right at the carousel.

Susanne watched her go from the shadows of the castle. Celly's not out for Meredith, she's out for me, she thought. Meredith should be relatively safe. I don't think Nyx will go out for her, either, but... I just can't be sure. If Nyx showed up, they'd be better off fighting together. When she was sure that Meredith had gotten a sufficient distance away, Susanne turned and walked through the castle and sat on the rail of the bridge. Okay, Celly, she thought. Where are you?