Neither Roger nor Zeke had seen that coming. As their headaches could testify.

"If I ever get my hands on him..." Roger growled, holding his head. Zeke only nodded back, still trying to regain some of his senses. He was still seeing stars.

The two Guardians had walked over to the shade offered by the trees near the Haunted Mansion and were now sitting on the stone wall.

"How can he interfere? What'll he do?" Zeke said. "Dionysus is as crazy as Celly! We have to stop him! What if he goes after Meredith? Or Susanne?"

"He won't... he'll just try to stop Celly... which could be bad enough... kuso!" He said as he saw Anaera and Orpheus walk by confusedly.

"What are they doing here?" Zeke asked in shock.

"Everyone's probably here, then," Roger said thoughtfully. Michael Eisner is gonna be broke after those girls get done with this park...

"So what do we do?"

"Stay out of the fights."

"I can't just stay here and do nothing!" Zeke said, jumping up. "This is crazy! We *have* to stop them! Innocent people could get killed!"

"Well, I have a feeling that we should leave this area..." Roger said as he saw Nyx in line for the Columbia. He wanted to keep as far away from her as possible. "Hey, I've got an idea..." Roger said, and started rushing into Adventureland. Zeke followed close behind him. "This'll be a blast," Roger grinned wickedly as they approached the Jungle Cruise.

He took a quick look around, then slipped into the employee's entrance, and the two snuck around to the back. They could see the animatronic "wildlife" and they could hear the "tour guides" cracking jokes about them.

"I don't get it..." Zeke said, then turned to where Roger had been standing. A huge tiger sat in his spot. "Roger?"

The tiger winked, and then motioned with his head for Zeke to follow. They found the spot where the mechanic tiger stood, roaring at the tourists, who busily snapped pictures. Roger waited for the boat to pass by, then went out and stood next to the other tiger, frozen in a similar pose. When the next boat came by, Zeke watched as Roger roared right along with the other tiger, not moving... then, as the boat was beginning to leave, Roger jumped down to the shore and gave a royal roar. The tourists weren't sure what to think. Some of them screamed and clutched their children, others clickled away with their cameras, commenting about how lifelike it was. The driver's face had gone gray, and he stepped on the gas. Soon, the boat was out of sight around the corner.

Roger jumped back behind the bushes to where Zeke was waiting, rolling on the ground with laughter. Roger transformed back to his human form and grinned. "Come on," he said after a few seconds. "Let's get out of here before they send in animal control!"

"That was great!" Zeke said when they stepped back into the crowd. "The looks on their faces were classic!"

"You should have seen them up close!" Roger was still laughing and chuckling to himself. My, he hadn't done that for awhile... "Well, let's take a walk around and assess the situation," he said as they headed in the direction of Main Street.

Suddenly, they heard what sounded at first like one huge explosion, but then they realized it was two simultaneous ones; one had come from somewhere around the Pirates of the Carribean, and the other, they could see, had blown away the top of Sleeping Beauty's Castle.

Zeke gave a low whistle.

"Susanne!" Roger said, running for the castle.