The wind whistled through the air, letting out a low, mournful cry. People were screaming, rushing to flee the badly damaged themepark. Police sirens let out their call as the authorities quickly rushed in to take care of the wounded and the dead. But two girls did not comprehend. They were only absorbed in the matter at hand. The destruction of the enemy.

Celly faced off against Hotohori no Otaku. The brunette had her glaive at the ready, while Celly brandished her sword.

"I was wondering when you would come out and greet me," Celly said scathingly. "I really thought you would let me have... more... fun!" Celly charged her opponent and their weapons clanged together, throwing sparks.

Susanne struggled but pushed Celly back. "Fun! You call killing people fun?!?" She slashed with her glaive, intending to slice Celly's feet off her legs. The fuku-clad girl did a forward flip that took her over and behind the other girl.

Celly tried to stab quickly, but Susanne spun around, blocking the blade with the staff of her weapon. Celly followed with a kick that scored on her opponent's ribcage. "Of course I'd call it fun! Wouldn't you?"

Susanne's aura blazed even more as she launched an offensive. "NO! It's sick and demented! Anyone who thinks it's fun is insane!"

Thrust... slash... slash... thrust... sweep... jab.

Celly blocked or avoided all of Susanne's attempts, except the jab, which knocked the wind out of her, forcing her back a few steps. She grinned. "Domo arigatou for the compliment. Insane is one of the milder things I've been called."

Susanne attacked again and Celly nimbly dodged all the blows. Neither girl could make any headway with each other. As she parried another blow, Susanne threw out her hand and fired of a blast. It struck Celly squarely, throwing her back a hundred yards and into a store. Celly frowned as she got back up. Her eyes sparked with darkness and she wiped her bloody lip with the back of her hand.

"So it's powers now, is it?" she growled. She banished her sword and held her hands in the air, forming a square shape with her index fingers and her thumbs. Susanne was in the middle of the square, puzzled as to Celly's actions.

"What does that do?" she scoffed.

"MAXIMUM ANNOYING DISTURBANCE!!!" Celly cried out. A blast of power ripped from the square and expanded, catching Susanne in a dome of energy. Before she could react, the dome disappeared, leaving Susanne none the worse for wear.

"What the hell?!?" she exclaimed.

Celly smirked, and in her clear voice, sang. "Kimi wo, kimi wo ai shiteru..."

Susanne was confused... until a strange pounding began in her head. Those words... those lyrics...

Kimi wo, kimi wo ai shiteru
Kokoro de, mitsumete iru
Kimi wo, kimi wo shinjiteru
Samui yoru mo

"What... what the hell...?" Susanne muttered as her hands started to shake. The song became louder, the lyrics were clearer.

Kimi wo, kimi wo ai shiteru
Kokoro de, mitsumete iru
Kimi wo, kimi wo shinjiteru
Samui yoru mo

Celly smirked as she watched her enemy start to fall to pieces because of the attack. "I don't call it ‘Maximum Annoying Disturbance' for nothing."

Kimi wo, kimi wo ai shiteru
Kokoro de, mitsumete iru
Kimi wo, kimi wo shinjiteru
Samui yoru mo

Kimi wo, kimi wo ai shiteru
Kokoro de, mitsumete iru
Kimi wo, kimi wo shinjiteru
Samui yoru mo

Dammit! She couldn't get passed the refrain!!!

Kimi wo, kimi wo ai shiteru
Kokoro de, mitsumete iru
Kimi wo, kimi wo shinjiteru
Samui yoru mo

Susanne dropped her glaive and clutched her head in agony. She couldn't get the damned song out of her head! "Make it stop!" she screamed, falling to her knees. "Make it stop!!!"

Kimi wo, kimi wo ai shiteru
Kokoro de, mitsumete iru
Kimi wo, kimi wo shinjiteru
Samui yoru mo

Kimi wo, kimi wo ai shiteru
Kokoro de, mitsumete iru
Kimi wo, kimi wo shinjiteru
Samui yoru mo

Kimi wo, kimi wo ai shiteru
Kokoro de, mitsumete iru
Kimi wo, kimi wo shinjiteru
Samui yoru mo

