Orpheus heard the blasts come one after another. The man he was flirting with started away as Orpheus cursed himself for a million kinds of fool and a selfish bastard. The mincing Big Thunder Mountain attendant backed away as the Guardian vaulted over railing in a mad dash to the River. "Why did I leave her alone! I should have known," he reproached himself.

He was too late. Just as he made out the wreckage of the Island, he felt Anaera flying away in an icy fury. It was hard to determine where she was headed because *that* sword was out, freezing her emotions. Before he consciously knew where he was going, though, his feet jerked him around. He took off at top speed on the back route to Small World. No Guardian was faster than him, and there was no way anything would get in his way when his beloved sister was in danger.

Nothing, except a baby carriage, that is. He swerved to miss it and came up hard against that side of the castle, only then noticing it too was rubble.

"Nae-nae, don't do anything you'll regret later!" he called to his Otaku with every fiber of his being as he fought his way through the panicked throng of humanity.

Too late again.

Just as he was nearing Small World, it too went up in a blaze of glory.

The panic of the people knew no bounds, and the unfortunate Orpheus was first knocked over, then trampled by the terrified mob.