Orion fumed as he watched Mercy idly stir her drink. Che, couldn't she drink the stupid thing already, so they could get out of here?!? This was the Otaku no Mori! This was Celly's turf! If she found them... he shuddered and glared at his charge. Mercy felt the eyes burning a whole in the back of her head and turned her head to glare back.

"What?!?" she asked in an annoyed tone.

"Can you hurry it up?!?" The longer he stayed in the Mori, the more uncomfortable Orion began to feel.

Mercy scoffed and turned her back to him. "I'll leave when I feel like it!" She ordered another round from the bartender.

Orion saw red but couldn't do a damned thing about it. He turned away as well, but continued to watch Mercy from the corner of his eye. She shoved some of her blonde hair off of her shoulder. The movement triggered memories inside of Orion. He gritted his teeth against the painful memories. He turned his gaze away and stared at the untouched mug of ale in front of him. Shakily, he raised his hand to pick up the mug... then he stopped, forcibly pulling his hand away.

Shimatta... I told myself I would give that stuff up! I promised... I promised her that I would...

Blue eyes and long blonde hair flashed across his vision for a brief moment.

His hand made its way to the mug again.

IIE! I promised her! I promised her I would stop! He looked at Mercy again, she still had her back to him. I promised... I promised... I promised her...


His hand twitched and he clenched it into a fist. Drinking won't help me, he told himself. It won't help... It won't help.

The smell of the ale wafted up to his nostrils...

On the other end of the bar, the bartender poured another round...

Mercy ran her fingers through her long blonde hair and knocked back her drink...

His hand twitched again.

Oh, gods... help me... help me, Felicity. I promised this would never happen again. His eyes stole back over to Mercy, who was munching on some peanuts. She tossed them into the air and attempted to catch them in her mouth. Orion watched the sway of her movements, captivated by her long blonde hair, swaying back and forth.

Oh, god... he moaned inwardly. He placed his arms on the bar and buried his face in them. No... no... I can't let this happen again... He opened his eyes and stared at the mug of ale in front of him.

There was a gasp, followed by the sound of a bowl smashing and peanuts falling to the floor.

Orion swung around and saw Mercy holding her head in her hands.

"Mercy! Mercy, what's wrong?"

She groaned again. Suddenly, she sat up ramrod straight. Her eyes were blank and unseeing.

"Mercy!?!" he asked again frantically.

"A call..." she mumbled.

"A battle..."

His blood went cold.

"A call between Otaku..."

Oh god, no... not again... he thought to himself.

"I must answer the call!!!" Mercy exclaimed. And with a flash of light, she was gone.

"MERCY!!!" Orion screamed. "NO!!! I'M NOT LETTING IT HAPPEN AGAIN!!!"

He quickly opened a portal and jumped in.

I won't let it happen again. It's not going to happen again. It can't happen again!