Artemis paced the room for the hundredth time. "Where the hell can they be?!" he exclaimed.

P-kun looked up from where he was sitting on the couch, reading the latest issue of GQ (Guardian's Quarterly). "Huh?" he asked.

Artemis stopped pacing and faced the other Guardian. "Haven't you noticed that this place is distressingly empty of Otaku and Guardians? I have no idea where that baka brother of mine is! Shimatta! I can't hang around here for that long, you know. I can't afford to have the Guardian's Council catch me."

"It's okay. Maybe he went to apologize to Celly?"

"My baka brother? Apologize? What have *you* been smoking lately? Anyway, if he did we would have heard the fighting. I'm expecting a real shout-fest when he tries that with Celeste." He started to pace again.

P-kun put down his magazine. "Why don't you leave then? Your brother is a big boy now. Besides, we don't need to add another name to the Council's ‘Soon-To-Be-Reprimanded' list."

Artemis sighed and stopped pacing. "I guess you're right. I'm not doing any good just pacing here. Besides, I have no real right to be involved in this. I suppose I should go."

P-kun nodded as Artemis shifted to cat form and made his way to the door. "Good journey!" he called after him. "And say hello to Luna for me!"

Artemis chuckled. "Just keep everything under watch here, okay? And the next time you see my brother, smack him around some for me."