"You can't hide in here forever ya know..." Kell said for the sixth time.

"Oh yeah? Just watch me!" Kristsi said stubbornly. "If you think I'm going out there to get my butt whupped, you're dreamin'! There's some major fighting going on out there judging from all the noise, and I'm still not far enough along in my training to face anyone and be comfortable." She shrunk down in the minature car and folded her arms across her chest. "I don't even know how I got here. One second I was having a mushy moment with you, and the next second I'm in Disneyland!"

"Well if you're going to hide, can we at least hide on a different ride? I'm getting really sick of 'Mr. Toad's Wild Ride'."

"Hey! This is my favorite ride! Especially right at the end when you think you're going to get run over by the train..." Kristsi stopped when she saw Kell fighting back a laugh. "What?"

"Nothin'," he said, covering his mouth with his hand. "But can we go somewhere else please?"

"Yeah, okay. I'm getting kinda hungry anyway, and I have a major craving for one of those Mickey Mouse ice cream bars. Maybe we'll bump into someone we know." Kristsi, with Kell in dragon form on her shoulder, walked out into the pandemonium.