Methos launched his throwing knife at Nakago no Otaku's guardian. It pins Seth's shirt to the adject wall. Methos steps towards him and presses his Ivanhoe to the hentai's throat. "Comfy?"

"Nani? What's this all about?" Seth struggled.

Methos punches him in the stomach, hard. "I've come to give you fair warning. Victoria means a great deal to me. You are her Guardian. You're not doing your job. If anything happens to her, I will return to strap your hentai ass to stake and play witch hunt. I'm sure you wouldn't want me to do that."

Seth shakes his head. "She has dog --" A numbness creeped up from the pit of his stomach. It wasn't a late reaction to the Immortal's power punch. He could not place it.

Methos punched him in the face, causing his lip to bleed. Seth licked the blood off his lips and the wound healed. "You have somwhere to go, don't you?"

Seth numbly nodded. "Yeah."

The Immortal yanked his knife from the wall and Seth slipped to the floor. Methos held out his hand to help him to his feet. He then opened the Mobius Continuum.

As though in a daze, Seth stepped.

"Here. You'll need this." Methos tossed him a silver dagger whose hilt bares the Gwydion seal. "Plunge it into her heart. You must kill her. When she ressurects, she will be well again."


"You'll soon find out. Go quickly." Methos shoved him inside.

Seth could be heard screaming as he fell through the MBC.




Followed by the sound of things shattering.

Seth fell through the air and landed on the roof of the log cabin. He had fallen through. He jumped to his feet, the dagger still in hand. That numbness still had not left him, in fact, it grew stronger.

He heard someone screaming. Dashing out the door, he ran headlong out the ranch and saw Nyx and Celly locked in battle.

"What's going on? Why are those two fighting?"

The pain inside him was growing.

He had only gotten this way once before... when one of his kind passed on. The connection of the Kindred.


Seth watched as Celly yanked Nyx in front of the body of her dead lover.

He looked at the dagger in his hand and gripped it tightly.
