The Reality Rip faded around them and Disneyland soon reappeared. Both Terra and Celly faced one another with tears in their eyes.

"You... you... bitch..." Terra whispered savagely, her sword reappearing in her grip. "What good did you think that would do? I have only grown since then. You will never put me down."

"*But I will,*" Celly replied, conjuring up her weapon as well. "*I have learned to accept my past, no matter how flawed it may be. And that includes you. There can be only one of us in this plane of existence--*"

"And it will be me!!!"

The two girls met with the clash of weapons and another explosion of power. Blood flew through the air from their blades as they struck again and again. There was no turning back. The two similar figures danced to the song of death. Finally they both charged, swords extended like the lances of old.

Celly and Terra both held their arms extended. They both looked down at the sight in front of them. Their faces were only inches apart. They looked into each other's eyes and began to laugh together. The laughed and laughed and laughed.

The Otaku and Guardians were in shock.

Celly and Terra looked to be in a hug of sisters... they were laughing insanely together... matching blades were sticking out of their backs.

Even as their bodies fell to the cobblestoned path, they laughed.

Even as a great explosion of energy burst up from around them, they laughed.

Even as one body disappeared and faded into oblivion, they laughed.

One body was lying prone and still in the middle of Main Street. Pale and unmoving. Death across her features.

And the laughing stopped.
