Dionysus could see the stirring discontent amongst the Otaku and their Guardians, as well as their confusion. He swore again in five different languages; and he thought that things couldn't get any worse. As Mamoru's eyes scanned the crowd, they fell upon Dionysus.

"Dionysus?" he said in shock. "What are you doing here? What is this place? What's wrong with my imouto?"

Dionysus stood before the Bishounen. He always knew that his brother-in-law was a *tad* protective of Ce-ko. But, they couldn't stay here and chat. It was too dangerous. He had to take control of the situation. "I'll explain everything later, Mamoru."

At that moment, Celly's eyes focused on him and recognition appeared in them. "Dion!" she exclaimed happily, throwing herself into his arms. "Dion! What are you doing here? Where are we anyway?"

Dionysus winced and pulled himself from his Ce-ko's arms though he very much wanted to stay in them. "Look, just follow me, okay? We've got to get out of this place!" He pulled open a portal quickly and with a moment's hesitation, brother and sister jumped in.

Dionysus threw a last glance over his shoulder, where the mob of people was trying to get their hands on him for explanations. "Sayonara, suckers!" he exclaimed, and jumped in.
