"What the..." Susanne mumbled. She looked around at the other Otaku who were still looking at where Celly had been. Her gaze landed on Nyx, and she knew that they had to get out of there. As far as she could tell, Celly was the saner of the two.

*Back, please...*

Susanne's aura flamed brightly as she threw all her power into her wish.

*Take us back... get us out of here.*

The destruction around her grew faint, but she sensed that she wasn't taking the others with her.

*All of us! Please!*

She saw nothing. It was all... emptiness. It was like the state between waking and sleeping. She knew things were happening around her, but sounds and impressions were muffled and distant.

*Where am I?*

She felt a presence behind her and turned. She saw a huge cat, the color of midnight. It sat, unmoving, and gazed at her with bright green eyes.

*Who are you?*

~I am your Spirit.~

*Come again?*

~Your Spirit. I am you.~

*Alright... I have two questions... first, why are you out there?*

~You have not completely admitted the Truth.~

*The Truth? That I'm fictional?*

The cat nodded.

*Is there a way I can do it more officially? To be honest, I don't really care that much. My world is real to me, and that's enough.*

~Your world is not real, by any stretch.~

*Oh... it's a little difficult to get used to the idea, you know.*

~Yes, I know. That's why I knew you had not completely accepted it. No one can be so nanchalant about it.~

Susanne nodded, her face set in resolve. *Alright. I am not real, nor is my world. I am at the whim of the Creators. Happy?*

The cat sighed. ~It'll have to do. What was your other question?~

*Why is my Spirit not human? Forgive me, but it does seem... odd.*

~Why do you assume that a Spirit should be human? A Guardian takes on his or her Spirit's form.Similarly, I am the Spirit from which you draw your power.~

*Oh... Any chance that I can trade you in for someone with a little more oomph?*

~You're lucky that you also draw that sense of sarcasm from me. No, you don't need more power.~

*I have to get them out. Everyone.*

~And you will. Use my power, Hotohori no Otaku.~

*I thought you said that I had been using your power.*

~Not as efficiently as you might. Do you agree to let me lend you my power?~

She could hear fighting in the distance. She had to act quickly.

*I have to help my friends... yes, lend me your power.*

The cat stood up and lowered itself into a position to pounce. Susanne took a step back, suddenly uneasy. Before she could make another move, though, the cat pounced.

She remembered seeing it coming straight for her, remembered a moment of panic, and then it was gone.

*I feel warm... I feel your power...*

~Use the power as your own.~ The voice was now from within, and she realized what had happened.

*Thank you.*

She concentrated on where they were now, and how Celly had gotten them there. She could read, as clearly as if it were written there for her.

The ripping sound tore the air as the remains of Disneyland faded from view.


Anaera lowered her sword, recognizing the lake where she and Orpheus had been fishing only hours ago. It seemed like days since she had seen this view!

Looking over at Euridyce next to her, she knew her Guardian was thinking the same thing.


"Well now that's gotta be more than coincidence," Mercy said, as she and Orion surveyed the familiar surroundings of the Mori's bar.


"What the..." Kristsi said. She and Kell were back, as if he had only just woken up again.


"We're back..." Meredith whispered, looking at the forest around her. "But how...?"

"Susanne!" Roger cried as he watched her collapse.