It was a beautiful starry night. The music pulsed across the dance floor, as bodies gyrated in some of the most interesting ways possible. She made her way out of the crowded and stuffy room, walking out on to the balcony to get some fresh air. There were others on the balcony as well, but she managed to snag a spot in a secluded corner. She drew a deep breath of crisp night air, and stared at the moon...


Her hand was starting to hurt from taking all of these damned notes. She cursed the fact that she was a political science major, and all her professors did was lecture for the whole period. The professor kept droning on and on. She frantically scribbled, trying to get all of the information down...


She groaned and slapped her hand on the alarm clock next to the bed. She slowly stretched to wake up, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. A snore to her right caught her attention, and she rolled on her side to watch the silver-haired man beside her sleep. He stayed out far too late at night. But, bouncers worked best at night, didn't they? She pulled herself out of the bed...


She decided that swings were the best. Slides were fun too, but if you were wearing a dress, they weren't fun. Neither were jungle gyms because the icky boys kept trying to push you off. Swings were the best...


The diffuse light from the Earth was beautiful. She couldn't help but stare at her old home. Laughter caught her attention, and she turned around in time to see her bloodsister ran down the hallway, chased by her court. She shook her head and made her way over to stop the pillow fight...


The hands reached out from the darkness, brutally grabbing her and clapping over her mouth, preventing her screams for help. She struggled against the hands when a man interrupted. He drew a silver sword and his hair was the color of moonlight...


She laughed as her brother swung her around and around. His stormcloud blue eyes twinkled merrily at her and he said something funny. Voices called. They both turned to see their four cousins make their way over. Rose petals fluttered on the breeze...


"Endy-chan! Endy-chan! Jade and Zoi were making fun of me again!"


"I'm sorry, Sere, but I cannot allow you to go back to the Earth again! It's too dangerous!"


"Dionysus? Is that you? In that form you look a great deal like Lord Artemis."


"Yes, Queen Serenity. I understand my duties clearly."


"Endymion! What are you doing here?! I despise you. You have taken all I care about from me!"


"None escape the wrath of Terra!"


"Did you see those guys, Trish? Weren't they sooo cute?!?"


"Dion... you're such a wuss! It's just iodine!"


"Oh, hi ‘nii-chan. Did I mention that I'm coming to visit next week? Yeah, I'm going to try to kill you again. No! It was just a joke!"


"Who are you? No... no... I'm not going to let you take me away! ‘Nii-chan! Itooshii! Tasukete!!!"


"There can be only one!"


"What's the status report on Lambda Project, Bob?"


"... tomodachi...?"


Celly opened her eyes.

And she remembered.
