"Roger, where are we?" When he didn't answer, Susanne pulled away and walked around the room. It was just a normal bedroom, for all she could tell. She opened the door and stepped into the hallway. She turned to the right and found a small kitchen and living room. The refrigerator was stocked, and the living room had that comfortable lived-in feeling. *This must be Roger's apartment...*

Something seemed odd, though, and she stood in the living room, trying to put her finger on it.

Then she realized what it was. She hadn't seen a single window. And for that matter, she had found no door into this apartment. She walked back down the hallway to the other end to investigate further.

She first remembered to register that there were no windows or doors in this room, either, and then Susanne merely gazed around the room. It was a large, open room, almost as large as the rest of the apartment. Various weapons adorned the walls, and Susanne took an involuntary step back. She felt Roger come into the room behind her. "What is this place?"

"You're still weak. You're out of commission for a while. But this is a safe place. None of the others can possibly find you here. So you can train in here." He walked over to one wall and took down a sword.

Susanne reached into her HammerSpace to take out her glaive.


"What? Why?"

"Choose a sword."

"Beg pardon?"

"As advantageous as the glaive is, it might be a good idea to know how to use other weapons. Pick a sword."

A sword? Susanne slowly took her hand out of HammerSpace and walked around the room, trying to decide which would be best. *Well, the Japanese way is usually the best,* she thought, lifting the katana down from the wall.