Celly was startled out of her ponderings and nearly dropped all of her files on Lambda Project when the alarms of Castle Anthrax blared and the red lights flashed. "What the hell is going on!?!" she screamed at the Unnamed Otaku in Special Ops. They all scrambled to their positions and Celly slapped a button on her console bringing the cameras online and on the viewscreen. She was horrified to see a whole squadron of Unnamed Otaku down in a hallway. She turned to her console, trying to bring up a status report.

Bob came tearing into Special Ops a moment later, ranting at the top of his lungs. "SHE KILLED ME! SHE KILLED ME! THE BITCH KILLED ME! AGAIN! DAMMIT!"

Celly crossed to him and shook him hard. "Bob! Get a hold of yourself! What's going on!?"

"Hotohori no Otaku! Susanne! She broke into Castle Anthrax!" Bob scrambled to his station and hurriedly whacked the controls, trying to locate the Otaku.

"KUSO!" Celly yelled. Anger suffused her. "How the hell did she get back here without us noticing!?! Bob! Procedure 222-T!"

"No! That's overkill!"

"I think it's just enough kill! I won't stand for that... ama... to invade my place of power again! Procedure 222-T! Trap! Shut down their escape from HammerSpace! Put up the energy shields! They're still out there and I'm not letting her get away this time!"

"Hai, Mistress Celeste!" Bob accessed the controls and set down the energy shields in concentric circles surrounding Castle Anthrax. The shields sprang to life expanding far across the area of HammerSpace. "It's done, Mistress Celeste. The shields are up. There's no way for them to get out of HammerSpace. If they try to take down the shields, we'll be alerted of their position."

"Good. Now bring up the cameras. Find them. Find them NOW." Celly clenched her hands into fists, quivering in anger. "I'm not letting her get away. She just can't waltz into Castle Anthrax whenever she wants."

"Preliminary reports are in. We lost some of the Unnamed Otaku when Hotohori no Otaku and her Guardian fought their way out. And the computer system was accessed. She took something. I can't tell what, but she uploaded something from the computers."

Celly went cold. The computers. Her secrets. Hotohori no Otaku had taken her secrets. This was... unforgivable. "Find them, Bob. Find them."
