The grand double doors opened and Titanian lead Nakago no Otaku into His Majesty's court.

Nickolas was seated at his throne. He was a fearful, intimidating figure clad in full battle armor. 'Oh no! At least he doesn't have the breast-thingy's on again!' Nyx thought to herself.

"Your Majesty, "Titanian began.

Nickolas silenced him by raising his hand. Titanian stepped back and ushered Nyx to his side. He motioned for her to bow. Despite her pride, Nyx complied. Besides, this man was her god, was he not?

"Leave us." Nickolas dimissed his subjects.

Nyx grabbed Titanian's coat sleeve. "Where do you think you're going?" she hissed.

"We have been dimissed." He pulled away from her. The door shut and locked from the outside. At last, alone....with Nakago? Nyx gulped.

She read his thoughts, nothing sinister, really. More of curiosity. He had something planned, that was a given.

Nickolas rose from his throne, descending the steps towards her.

*You read my thoughts,* his voice came from within as his lips remained.

"You're...reading my thoughts?" She spoke out loud and took a step back.

*As you read mine.* His arura glowed an icy blue.

Nyx's aura, too glowed. Something within her radiated through. "What's going on?"
