Celly was shocked when Hotohori no Otaku had actually given her the disk. I always figured her to be the stubborn sort, she thought to herself. Suddenly remembering that the disk was still being proffered to her, Celly managed to conceal her emotions and reached through the shield to take the disk. She contemplated the disk which held her secrets for a moment... then she dropped it on the ground and crushed it under her heel. She thought that she heard a swallowing sound, but Celly was too busy smiling in relief. Thank the Creator! she thought silently. At least my secrets aren't being taken away!

"Well?" a harsh voice interrupted her. Celly looked up and saw Hotohori no Otaku and her Guardian still staring at her. "Well?" Susanne repeated again. "What's next? Torture? Fighting? Are you going to flip out again?"

Celly was confused. "Huh?" she asked. Oh, she remembered belatedly. They're still in the shields. Celly shrugged and looked up. "Bob! Take down all the shields!" Celly watched as golden flashes lit up the landscape of HammerSpace and then disappeared. When this was done, Celly turned on her heel and started to walk away.

Susanne and Roger were dumbfounded. "You mean that's it?" Susanne asked incredulously.

Celly stopped abruptly and turned around, still confused. "Huh? What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about you letting us go. Not that I'm not glad or anything, but where's the fighting? The cursing? The ‘There can be only one'?"

Celly was truly surprised. "I got what I wanted," she replied, pointing at the remains of the disk on the ground. "I told you that I would let you go if I got the disk. I am a person of honor."

"Huh, you could have fooled me. What about the Game? I thought you were hell-bent on wiping out all of the other Otaku and winning the Game."

Celly shrugged her shoulders again. "Oh, I want to win the Game. My ‘nii-chan is kakkoi, he deserves to win. But I'm not the same Celly you remember anymore. I don't want to fight if I don't have to."


"Don't get me wrong. I like to fight. I'm damn good at what I do. But... I just don't want to. All I really want is to get out of this Game, alive, and live a fairly normal life with my family... ‘nii-chan... my bloodsister... my friends... Dionysus..." Celly frowned. "Well, actually I'd like to whack Dion across the head with some sort of blunt object multiple times right now, but that's beside the point. I'm in the Game and I'll play by the Rules, but I don't really feel up to mass mayhem and destruction today. If I challenge you, Hotohori no Otaku... or any other of the Otaku... you'll know." Celly smiled and waved her hands in a shooing motion. "So, go. What are you waiting around here for? Nothing will disturb your exit out of HammerSpace. But, I'm warning you. This is my territory and I don't take interlopers lightly. Well? Shoo! Shoo! Be off with you. Unless you're looking to challenge me?"

Celly watched as Hotohori no Otaku just shook her head and opened a portal out of HammerSpace. She continued to watch as the pair left HammerSpace, winking out of existence. Celly walked around the plains of HammerSpace for a long time, quietly contemplating on her own thoughts.

"What is it all for?" she asked herself. "The fighting... the craziness... the pain... the betrayal... what good does any of this do?" Celly looked up and ducked under the rack of henshin sticks blocking her path. "I didn't want to be here. I didn't want to do what I did. But still, I brought havoc with me where ever I went. What's it all for?" Celly looked down at her hands, a memory flashing through her mind of a police officer being blasted away. "I've killed innocents. I've lost myself. And now, the fight for the Bishounen will begin soon. Can I trust myself not to get lost in the heat of the moment again? Can I keep myself from taking an innocent life and forcing the other Otaku out of the Game?"

Celly collapsed to the ground and buried her face in her hands. "I'm the Moderator. I am charged to keep the Game alive... but to what end? All the other Otaku either think I'm crazy, hate me, or think I'm cool for being so crazy. Why me? Why me, dammit?!" She pounded her fist into the ground repeatedly. When the pain finally registered, Celly wiped the tears from her eyes and looked at her hands again. "What good are hands if all the do is hurt? I thought I could get out of the Game if I killed myself. I thought I could get out of the Game if I let my otherself take over. I thought I could get out of the Game if I could get rid of all the others. But... it doesn't end. It just doesn't end..."

She stood up and started walking back to Castle Anthrax. "I know what I have to do now. I'll end it all if I have to, but no one is going to suffer anymore. Not for the Game."